What is the Best Way to Keep Your Memories Alive? by Sarah Smith

Image by Michal Jarmoluk from Pixabay

All of us have a large collection of memories from when we were children, our teenage years and various other times of our lives. These could be memories of our friends, our family, old pets we used to have and a variety of other things. But as time passes, the information that illustrates our memories fades away.

This means the lovely memories you once had could eventually be gone or remain much foggier in your mind than you remembered. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. There are some ways to keep your memories alive, and this article is going to go over a few of them.

Digitize Your Home Movies

One of the best ways to relive past memories from childhood is to rewatch old family movies. Many of us fondly remember our parents bringing out the video camera for birthday parties, camping trips and other family gatherings.

Unfortunately, over time, these home movies will begin to deteriorate as well. Eventually, they will be unwatchable and you will have lost some priceless memories. To prevent this from ever happening, be sure to digitize home movie films.

This will make digital copies that allow you to ensure the videos will never be lost, and can be shared much easier, too.

Visit Special Locations

Sometimes our memories of specific individuals are often tied to place. For example, maybe a certain lake reminds you of your late grandfather or a park reminds you of your childhood many decades ago. By visiting these places often, it can bring your memories back and ensure you never fully lose them.

So if you ever feel a memory fading, or simply want to reminisce, pay these locations a visit. Another similar way to keep memories alive is finding scents that remind you of someone or something, and having them in and around your home.

Hold on to Keepsakes

Like locations and scents, items can be a huge trigger when it comes to helping your memories stay alive for a longer period of time. As a result, consider holding onto things given to you by grandparents or other important people in your lives, so their memories will always live on.

If you want to ensure you remember your past and never lose those precious memories, consider making yourself a time capsule. This can include a variety of things like art, your favorite items, pictures of your friends and anything else you want “future you” to see.

Set a time for this to be opened in the future, often something like five or ten years is good. As soon as the capsule is opened, you will instantly be reminded of the past and the memories will come rushing back.

Write in a Journal

Image by free stock photos from www.picjumbo.com from Pixabay

Keeping a journal is a popular option for making sure your memories and the things you think about don’t get forgotten. You can write as much or as little as you want, and referring back to your writings about your memories can allow you to always keep them alive.

Always be sure to store the journal in a safe place and keep it away from things like fire, water and other things that could damage the paper. If you don’t want to write, or are worried about losing the notebook, you can keep a digital journal on your computer. Tablet or laptop, or even an audio journal on your phone.

If you want to keep your memories alive forever, any of these methods are great options to consider and should help you out.