1 Hello, thank you for your time, please introduce yourself in a few words!
Hey! Thanks for having me. My name is Quinn Sullivan. I’m a 22 year old singer/songwriter and guitarist from Boston, Massachusetts.
2. Please give us an update about – new single, new album, tour dates, new videos?!
Well I have a new song and music video that just dropped recently called “In a world without You”, which I’m really excited about! It’s a song that is part of the new album, ‘Wide Awake’, which drops on June 4th. I feel like this new album is the best representation of who I am as a musician, a singer and a songwriter. It fully showcases where I’m at in my life currently and all of the stories and experiences I’ve experienced over the last 3 or 4 years.
3. Name 5 things we all should know about you as an artist?!
One thing people should know about me is I’m a huge fan of all different styles of music, whether that be Rock, Pop, R&B, Soul or even some Hip Hop. Another thing about me is I’m a sucker for a great melody. Melodies have carried me through life and is one of the reasons I’m so attracted to music. Also, I love to travel. A big part of being an artist is the traveling. Although it may be a lot sometimes, there’s nothing like being in a brand new city you’ve never been to before and experiencing the different cultures the world has to offer. As well as guitar, I can also play a bit of drums, bass, and piano. The last thing people should know about me as an artist is that I always want to learn more about what I’m doing. I crave learning and discovery, whether that be something new on the guitar, or a new artist or band I’ve never heard of, I love it all.
4. What fashion style or brand would best describe your music?
I’m a huge fan of a brand called John Varvatos. I think he makes some of the dopest clothes out there and he totally gets the rock and roll vibe. I own some of his pieces, and I just love the aesthetic of that brand. I’m also a fan of Japanese fashion. I really love that style of clothing and I definitely see myself doing some serious shopping when I go to Japan for the first time, hopefully sometime in the future. There’s a beautiful jewelry company located there called Goros. I’ve always been fascinated by the history of that shop and look forward to acquiring one of their pieces at some point in my life.
5. Do you have bad habits? A guilty pleasure you can’t seem to quit?
I try to stay healthy for the most part. I don’t smoke cigarettes and I drink occasionally, so I’ve been lucky enough to have never struggled with addiction or anything like that. I definitely can live in the past sometimes, and that can affect me in a negative way sometimes, as well as thinking too much about the future. I struggle to stay in the present moment sometimes, but I’ve tried to work on that recently.
6. Beside music, do you have any special talents?
I’m actually not bad at impressions. I really love impressionists and comedians like Dana Carvey and Fred Armisen, so sometimes I love to impersonate people for fun.
7. Being on stage feels like….!
Being on stage feels like heaven. It brings me so much joy and it genuinely fuels me. Every chance I have to be on stage is the best feeling in the world. Whether it’s playing a show, or just watching someone perform, everything about that energy is what I live for.
8. Must Have – and No-Go in your Wardrobe! – Favorite Fashion Brand and Fragrance?
Like I mentioned, I really love John Varvatos and wear quite a bit of his clothing onstage. I love Lucky Brand for t shirts and jeans, and also love finding cool vintage clothing stores around the country.
9. A question you’d like to answer, but never been asked in an interview before?! + Answer pls
I like this one! I may ask myself “If you could live in any part of the world for an entire year, which part would you live in?” My answer would be Switzerland. I love traveling to Switzerland because it’s one of the most peaceful places I’ve ever been to before. I love the people and the food and their way of living. I’d live there if I ever had the chance to!
Instagram: @quinnsullivan
Fotocredit: Justin Borucki