1. What is the thing you love most about photography?
I like the challenge of trying to capture a moment, an expression, the way the light is hitting the subject I am shooting, or sometimes it can be someone or something in nature just doing what comes naturally.
2. How would you describe your photography style?
For the most part, I try to be spontaneous and capture what is in front of me.
3. Film or Digital? Why?
Film. The depth and the color, even if it is black and white, are incredible.
4. Could you describe the creative process behind this campaign?
The Pepe Jeans team and I were trying to bring attention to the precious commodity that water is. It is the most precious element we have along with the air we breathe, isn’t it? At the same time, we wanted to show the progress they have made in figuring out how to use very little water and almost half the amount of energy for the production of denim.
5. What is a Wiser Future for you?
A Wiser Future is one where we are all more aware of the things we can do on a daily basis to eliminate wasting our most precious elements which unfortunately we all take for granted.
6. Why did you decide to partner with Pepe Jeans London?
I really like the vibe of Pepe, and they are a British company! The project was right for me because they took the time to show me what the Wiser Wash idea was and explain what they were doing and how they were doing it.
7. What are your favorite Wiser Wash pieces?
The classic jean and the denim jacket.
8. What is your favorite way to style denim?
As simply as possible! A white t-shirt and a trainer.
9. What’s your favorite body of water?
Right now I would probably have to say the Pacific Ocean.
10. How do you save water in your everyday life?
Turning off the water while you brush your teeth.
Measuring your water for tea before you heat it up.
Turn off the water while you are washing up in the shower. Do not let it run!