Natalie Exora’s – ‚Perfect‘ + Exclusive Interview

1. Thank you very much for your time! Before we introduce your new release to our readers – What kind of drink would you recommend to sip on while they listen to your new music?

A glass of smooth, mellow red wine. Actually, the smoother the better. 

2. Please give us an update about – new single, new album, tour dates, new videos?!

Perfect is my latest single and it’s a really beautiful, silky ballad. The entire production was created at home, during “the cracks” of my day. Penning lyrics and the concept idea while on the go with voice notes. Eventually finding a melody on the piano soon after that and finally,  recording vocals when it was most quiet by night. The song was produced, mixed, and mastered virtually, all from the comfort of my home. The music video was directed, shot and edited in an afternoon on my iPhone by Bruce McKay. 

3. We live in times of many conspiracy theories. Which, harmless, theory would you wish were true? (For example Dinos living inside Earth or E.T. living in a home in California)

Well now that we know aliens are 1000% real, I would love to believe that “Nessie” the Loch Ness monster is also real. Imagine what a tourist attraction she would be! 

4. What fashion style or brand would best describe your music?

Something beautiful (melodic), elegant (simple) but a little unique –  I’m loving Canadian brand Smythe. Their tailoring, simplicity and quality can take you from day to night effortlessly and elegantly.  

5. Tell us more about your songs! Topics! Message!?

My current release Perfect, is my sophomore single – inspired by today’s fascination for material things. In an age where we thirst for the next thing to add to our collection, the most enduring of all things, is love. I enjoy looking at trends in society and culture, as sparks for my songs. I’m also a fan of 80s and 90s music and trends from that era, so nostalgia tends to make its way into my writing too.  Finally, friendships, relationships and lived experiences are always great fodder for the next tune.  

6. Beside music, do you have any special talents?

I can cook anything – but especially a mean Nutella Banana bread. It’s a twist on the classic, with a nice big Nutella swirl folded in, right before baking. I call it “Marry me, Banana bread.”

7. Name 5 things we all should know about you as an artist?!

  • I love creating mash-ups
  • I’m extremely organized and use both sides of my brain 
  • I embrace making mistakes – it’s where rapid growth happens 
  • The minute I get comfortable, I try something that makes me uncomfortable
  • Most of all, I love connecting with people from different walks of life. I’m insanely curious about people’s stories and what makes them human.

8. How did you learn to sing/ to write/ to play??

I play by ear and started “playing songs” on the neighbour’s piano when I was seven. This encouraged my mum to buy me my first piano, when I was in high school.  I ended up taking piano lessons for 3-4 years during high-school with an amazing teacher from Trinidad where I was born. I was also part of the School choir, and that was where my love for singing and songwriting further developed. 

9. A question you’d like to answer, but never been asked in an interview before?! + Answer

Q. Do you love animals?

A. I absolutely do – and have a miniature four lb pet chihuahua named Nacho. He’s a HUGE rap fan and loves to jump in and offer his “advice” whenever I’m working on songs.

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