Henry And The Waiter – „I’ll Be Fine“ + Exclusive Interview

Thank you very much for your time! Before we introduce your new release to our readers – what kind of drink would you recommend to zip on while they listen to your new music?

I think, a nice fresh homemade lemonade would fit perfectly with ice cubes.

Please give us an update about – new single, new album, tour dates, new videos?!

New single is my last single „I‘ll Be Fine“, my new EP is called“ One Eyed King“, my upcoming tour will start on the 17.04.2024 and ends on the 28th of April and will be in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

And my latest Video is this one 🙂

We live in times of many conspiracy theories. Which, harmless, theory would you wish were true? (For example Dinos living inside Earth or E.T. living in a home in California)

That aliens are friendly and watch us grow and will reveal theirselfs when we as humans are that developed that they will reach out and welcome us to an intergalactic community. 🙂

What fashion style or brand would best describe your music?

At the moment casual summervibish, brand: club d’amingo.

Tell us more about your songs! Topics! Message!?

My songs touch on themes like summer, freedom, loneliness and growing up. They convey a message of embracing independence while acknowledging the complexities of life’s choices. My music resonates with listeners, providing a soundtrack for their own journeys of self-discovery and decision-making.

Beside music, do you have any special talents?

Eating (haha). And I can whistle exactly like a bird!!!

Name 5 things we all should know about you as an artist?!

I love to be on my own sometimes, writing and producing my music is the most fun for me, I guess I got a strong will, I love my family, I love to be in the nature more than being in cities.

How did you learn to sing/ to write/ to play??

I was a choirboy in the church, those were my first singing steps  i did learn to write songs when I was in my teens when I was playing in my first indirock bands .

A question you’d like to answer, but never been asked in an interview before?! + Answer pls

Question: If you were a character in a fantasy novel, what magical power or ability would you possess and how would you use it to excel in your career?

Answer: If I were a character in a fantasy novel, I’d have the power of „Chrono-Kinesis,“ the ability to control and manipulate time. In my career, I’d use this power to ensure that I always meet deadlines, make the most of every moment in meetings, and have the wisdom to make decisions based on a deep understanding of past, present, and future trends. My unique time-bending abilities would make me an indispensable asset to the company, ensuring efficiency and success in all our endeavors.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/henryandthewaiter