Designing Small Spaces: Tips for a Beautiful Success

Photo by Oyster Haus

Due to rising rental costs and inflation rates, loft-style and condo living are becoming more popular among millennials and Generation Z. These condo units are well-known for maximizing space with the right space-saving tricks. Indeed, the minimalist culture has given these small spaces the reputation of being able to house only the barest of essentials.

But living in a small space does not mean you have to hide your style. A little design ingenuity and a keen sense of what works and doesn’t go a long way. And while the emphasis will naturally be different when working with less square footage, the general design rules will remain the same.

Surely, living in a small space does not have to be difficult! So, whether you’re trying to figure out how to personalize your new studio apartment or need some pointers on how to make the most of space in a not-so-large house, follow these key strategies and principles for decorating a small space and making your home a cozy little nook for you and your family.

  • Invest in lots of light. Light has a way of tricking the eyes by making rooms look more open and spacious. This technique is incorporated in most upscale glass mansions that use lots of natural light.

    In addition to allowing natural light to shine through the windows, use additional lighting throughout your space to add warmth. If you don’t have enough space for floor and table lamps, opt for lighting options that don’t take up much space. String lights, wall sconces, and pendant lighting are your top options here.

  • Position more oversized items strategically. There’s no reason to avoid large furniture pieces when decorating a small space, but you should be practical about where you place them. Keep larger items such as couches, bookcases, or indoor potted plants against the wall rather than in the middle of the floor to create a sense of depth in a room.
  • Look for foldable or multipurpose furniture. Furniture that can serve two or more functions will save you both space and money. And, thanks to the tiny apartment trend, home depots are filled with multifunctional furniture pieces. Meanwhile, folding furniture lets you save space around the home. Desks, dining tables, couches, and beds are available in styles that can be easily tucked away to make more room for movement. Most of these furniture items can be used for multiple functions, such as beds being converted into couches or side tables into desks.
  • Put mirrors to good use. Mirrors add light and create the illusion of more square footage to rooms, as they reflect natural and non-natural lighting. Mirrors are great as accent décor, as well. Whether you use one large mirror or scatter a few smaller ones around the room, the choice depends on which room could use them.
  • Downsize. Living in a smaller space forces you to live with less. That is getting rid of things that are either impractical, useless, or far from being a source of joy—the latter is taking a page out of the KonMari method. Since getting rid of things is a skill that can be hard to master, you must do some inventory evaluation to do away with a crowded space.
  • Be wary of clutter. If you don’t have a lot of space to work with, having more stuff than your home can handle can easily lead to clutter. Make sure to leave plenty of open space in your small house for both ease of movement and utility. Do this for all visible areas, including the floor, countertops, and the amount of space between furniture pieces.
  • Maximize your storage space. There are a plethora of great storage options available that also double as beautiful pieces of décor. Choose furniture that comes with additional storage options, such as ottomans for storing linens or under-bed storage.

Try to find alternative storage solutions instead of simply stuffing everything into a closet by using aesthetic options to store your belongings—from pale pastel boxes to color-neutral organizing baskets. Getting creative with your storage space hits two birds with one stone, helping you attain both form and function.

Wrapping Up

There are many ways to make the most of your limited space and transform it into a place where size does not matter when it comes to expressing your style, adding functionality, or considering the indoor air quality in your lovely home.

Remember, no matter how small your space is, it is still your home—and you are the master of how you choose to design it.