Aaron Pollock- „About Her“ + Exclusive Interview

1. Hello, thank you for your time, please introduce yourself in a few words!

My pleasure! My name is Aaron Pollock, and I live in Calgary, AB. I’m an artist, but I’m a songwriter first.

2. Please give us an update about – new single, new album, tour dates, new videos?!

I just released a new single called About Her! I’m super proud of it. I’ll be releasing another single in January, and then an EP. I wrote a ton over the past year and have settled into a vibe that I really like. It draws from my country roots, while incorporating the influence of a lot of my favourite bands like LANY, The Band CAMINO, and Patrick Droney.

3. Name 5 things we all should know about you as an artist?!

  • 1 – I try hard to be as honest as possible with my writing.
  • 2 – I’m a super sensitive guy and I think my writing is pretty reflective of that
  • 3 – I feel as though I’m at my best when I’m working with people that inspire me. I’ve been extremely blessed with a circle of talented collaborators that I’m also lucky to call my friends.
  • 4 – Songwriting is my favourite part about being an artist/musician. Writing a song I’m proud of is one of the most fulfilling feelings I’ve ever experienced.
  • 5 – Music has defined/been there for me in so many of the most important moments of my life. My dream is to one day make music that makes someone feel the same way my favourite artists did when I was growing up.

4. What fashion style or brand would best describe your music?

I’m honestly not sure how to answer this one, but at this point my wardrobe is mostly All Saints so I’d probably say All Saints.

5. Tell us more about your songs! Topics! Message!?

The more emotion put into a song, the more you make someone feel on the other end. My releases are songs that I feel I put a lot of myself into. I like songs that tell a relatable story in a unique/thought-provoking way.

6. Beside music, do you have any special talents?

I wouldn’t say I’m ‚talented‘, but I took up boxing a few years ago and I really love it! It’s the best stress relief I’ve ever experienced. When you’re boxing, you literally can’t think about anything else but boxing. It’s really hard.

7. Being on stage feels like….!

I used to be a pretty terrible singer, so I’ve spent a lot of time on stage not having fun. However, in the process of learning how to get through those shows I learned how to be a better performer and enjoy myself. It’s tough to get there, but once you perform enough you don’t get phased easily. I also took a lot of singing lessons and do vocal training almost every day. When you put in the work, those magic moments onstage where you feel like you’re channeling something bigger than you happen a lot more. It’s truly special when it happens while you’re playing something you wrote.

8. How did you learn to sing/ to write/ to play??

I’ve always absolutely loved writing and started writing poetry at a young age. I started taking violin lessons when I was 6, but gave it up when I started playing guitar at the age of 12. I started playing in bands in junior high school, but started performing full-time around 5 years ago. I wasn’t very good at songwriting and had no idea how it was done back then, so I spent a ton of time writing and studying songwriting over the last five years. There’s definitely a method to it, but the only way to really become good is to write as many songs as possible. I’m still working on it, but I’ve gotten to a point where I’m able to enjoy it and feel really fulfilled by it.

9. A question you’d like to answer, but never been asked in an interview before?! + Answer pls

Q: Who would you say is the greatest songwriter of all time?

A: This is going to be controversial, but I’d say Eminem. There’s no one I’ve heard that’s achieved his level of mastery over the English language. No one is adept at evoking strong emotions as he is.

Your Instagram: @aaronpollockmusic

Photo by Phil Crozier