6 Exercises Men Should Do Every Day by Sierra Powell

Image Source: Pexels

Exercise is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle and one that men should do daily. Also, it helps reduce stress levels, which are beneficial for both physical and mental health. At the same time, there are many workout routines out there to choose from. This article will focus on six exercises men should do every day to help them stay fit.


For men who are looking for something to help strengthen their legs, squats will do the trick. Squats have been proven effective because they work for so many muscle groups at once. This makes them an ideal exercise choice, even if you don’t want bigger muscles. The glutes, thighs, hamstrings, core area, and lower back all benefit from this one form of training. Thus, it makes it perfect for those looking to improve leg strength over time without worrying about bulking up too much in other areas.

Also, it is an excellent exercise for toning up those legs while improving posture too. It’s easy to complete by standing tall then squatting down until your thighs are roughly parallel to the floor before returning to starting position.


Push-ups are designed so your entire body works together as one unit. Why? Because each muscle group is forced into action by another’s dead weight (or movement). This exercise targets almost all muscles, including shoulders and arms, while strengthening chest and core areas. The key to push-ups is that they can be made more difficult by putting your feet up on a chair or bench.

You can make things harder by elevating your feet or adding weights around your waist once you’ve mastered the primary move. This involves placing your hands 45 cm apart before lowering yourself towards the floor until elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle.

Pull-Ups and Chin-Ups

These are great ways to strengthen shoulders, arms, back muscles, and more. Also, it improves grip strength, which comes in handy no matter what activities or lifestyle choices you make throughout the week. It also enhances overall performance levels across many areas, making them ideal for both men and women.

Also,  with all exercises, it’s best to start doing these exercises slowly until you’re able to master them. The easiest way is to use an open doorway by holding onto one side while stepping away from the door frame. With this, there’s no support on your feet at all before pulling yourself upwards towards the other hand, which should grip above your head.

Yoga and Stretches

The best way to increase flexibility and strength is through regular yoga practice. Yoga for men and stretches can help improve your range of motion, reduce back pain, and even strengthen your immune system. Start by getting into a comfortable position. You can stand, sit on the floor, or even lie down. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths before you begin. Allow your breath to guide you through these poses rather than forcing yourself to do them. For instance, the eagle arms pose helps improve flexibility in the wrists, elbows, and shoulders. The hands clasping each other behind the back with palms pressed together, pointing toward the ceiling. Holding this position for three breaths per side is a great way to stretch out your shoulders.


This exercise involves lying face down with forearms on the ground. Elbows under shoulders, toes tucked underneath knees, with body weight resting on your forearms. Maintain a straight line from head to toe by contracting your abdominal muscles while taking deep breaths. This will help you get in some core training without worrying about straining any muscle group too much at once, making this an ideal choice for those who are starting or trying something new.

Start with a modified version which involves getting into the press-up position and holding for around 20 seconds. However, once you master this simple move, it’s perfect for toning your obliques, strengthening your core, and improving posture.


This exercise works the abs and involves using other muscles, including shoulders, chest, and lower back. Thus, not only will it tone up the abs strengthen areas throughout the body, but it also improves your overall posture. To start:

  1. Lie flat on the floor with legs bent and feet shoulder-width apart before placing hands behind the head as if about to perform a sit-up.
  2. Once you’re ready, raise your upper body towards your knees while squeezing the abs.
  3. Lower yourself back down again until your forehead is nearly touching the floor for each repetition.

Those interested in becoming fit will find that finding time for workouts can be difficult. Why? Because life often gets busy, but it doesn’t have to be that way if you plan instead of waiting until the last minute.

There are many benefits of exercising regularly. But for men, toning muscles and improving posture should be the number one priority. These six workouts described above are a great way to get in shape without overloading yourself at any time.