3 Great Ways Men Can Take Command of Their Health by Jared Jaureguy

Photo by S Migaj from Pexels

More than ever before, medical professionals are offering their clients ways to take their health into their own hands. For men, the idea of taking charge of your health appeals to a basic drive to know what’s going on and be empowered to do something about it.

1. Test Yourself

There are a number of labs that can be run to help you get a better handle on your overall health and condition. Outside of standard labs your general practitioner may be knowledgeable about and comfortable ordering, several additional beneficial labs of a more holistic nature exist. An integrative or functional medicine doctor will be well-versed in such holistic tests. For instance, functional medicine blood tests can provide a wide range of information from sex hormones to inflammation to gut permeability.

Genetic testing is also a great way to get a fuller picture of your health and perhaps become more aware of genetic mutations and vulnerabilities you may have. When you know what your weaknesses may be through looking at key factors in the DNA, you can work with your medical care provider to determine ways to lessen those risk factors.

2. Get in Touch

Your body is a lot like a machine, and as such it needs regular maintenance just like your car or any tool in your toolshed. As a man, it’s important to be tuned in to your body so that you can catch anything that is off early on. Just as with your vehicle, the longer you wait to fix that transmission fluid leak, the more serious the problem becomes. Getting in touch with your body means knowing what is normal for you. A great way to build body awareness is through a regular physical fitness program. When you are regularly active, not only do you increase your overall health, but you also become more aware of your body and how it feels.

You don’t need to push yourself hard or workout to extremes to build body awareness, in fact, it is usually more beneficial to try low to moderate impact exercise to aid your ability to tune in to how your body feels. Sometimes, when you are working out hard, you may have a tendency to actually turn your attention away from how your body feels in order to push through a difficult workout. The key to body awareness is really feeling your body through each movement of the exercise you are engaging in. Be sure to breathe fully and notice where there is tension, soreness, or any feeling of discomfort in your body. When you are aware of your body, you can collaborate more effectively with your medical care team to keep your machine humming for years to come.

3. Probe the Experts

A doctor’s visit may seem like a time to sit and listen to what your medical provider has to say to you, but it’s actually a golden opportunity for you to ask questions and tap into your provider’s expertise. Before your visit, be sure to formulate a list of key questions you would like to ask your doctor. Do you need more information about certain vitamins or supplements? Do you want their input on a new exercise routine you are starting? Do you need more information about medications or medical interventions that have been recommended to you? Make a list and take it with you to your next visit. Even the busiest care person should have some time to answer questions that are important to you.

If your doctor cannot answer a question that you have, consider asking for a referral to a specialist, or find a specialist on your own, who can hopefully better answer your question. One medical professional cannot be expected to know everything. This is why there are countless specializations within the medical field. Make sure that you are consulting with professionals who have expert knowledge in the field of health pertinent to your concerns.

Your body is your vehicle for life; make sure you are maintaining it carefully, and stay involved in advocating for your own health.