Zahran – Top Model Interview

Name: Zahran
Age: 28
Height: 5’10“
Hometown: Houston
Agency: Currently independent – but hey, if there’s an agency out there looking for some fresh energy, give me a shout.

Instagram: @Bilal_Zahran

1. How did you get into modeling?

It all began in the world of acting back in my middle school days around 2009. You know, the usual – drama classes, captivating audiences with small roles. Then, as I prepared to spread my wings post-high school in 2014, my incredible mom nudged me towards modeling. A few clicks on ModelMayhem, and the journey took off from there!

2. What are you doing when you are not modeling?

If I’m not smoldering in front of the camera, you’d probably find me lost in a galaxy far, far away with Star Wars. Otherwise, catch me pumping iron at the gym, working on those aesthetics.

3. The most spontaneous/difficult/strange thing you’ve ever done?

Imagine this: cold SoCal waters during winter, and the blistering heat of peak afternoon on the beach. As a scout swimmer, while I was in the Marine Corp, I had to low crawl nearly 200 yards in the sand, all while balancing my rifle on my hands. Drop the rifle, and you start over. Intense, right?

4. What’s your life motto?

„If someone else can do it, so can I.“

5. Describe your personal style – Favorite Brands/Fragrance?!

Think casual with a dash of vintage charm. A crisp white tee complementing a toned physique, relaxed jeans cinched just right, topped with a plush jacket in earthy hues, and classic white Vans. And my scent? The timeless allure from Cremo, a brand that feels like a fragrant stroll through the 1920s.

6. What genre of music best describes you?

I’m eclectic – from the grit of Rap to the pulse of Heavy Metal, from the urban beats of Phonk to the rhythm of K-pop. If it’s got a beat that gets my heart racing, count me in.

7. Where are your roots – The best thing about/to do in your hometown?

Houston’s where my heart is. It’s expansive and brimming with life. When I’m in town, I adore exploring Montrose, our edgy art district, or seeking tranquility by the buffalo bayou. Always chasing new hidden gems.

8. Who’s your celebrity crush?

Tough one, but I’ll say Henry Cavill

9. Do you have any special talents?

Well, benching 325lb is a party trick. Add to that wilderness survival skills (shoutout to my Bridgeport training) and impressive swimming prowess. Oh, and my slightly OCD tendencies mean your life (or at least your living room) will always be organized around me!

10. What is the most interesting thing online at the moment?

Chat AIs are on fire! They’ve gone beyond just scribbling down your college essay. The possibilities are endless and utterly captivating.

Jono | Photographer

Instagram: @jonophotography