TOM DID IT – ‘STUPID LOVE’ + Exclusive Interview

Thank you very much for your time! Before we introduce your new release to our readers – what kind of drink would you recommend to zip on while they listen to your new music?

I don’t really drink I can’t lie – but I see all the rappers drinking 1942 so I would say that.

Please give us an update about – new single, new album, tour dates, new videos?!

Sure! I have a few singles coming out next year. And then I’m hoping to have my EP released by the summer to play at some festivals.

We live in times of many conspiracy theories. Which, harmless, theory would you wish were true? (For example Dinos living inside Earth or E.T. living in a home in California)

I think aliens are definitely chilling in Area 51.

What fashion style or brand would best describe your music?

Fully paid – because I’m fully paid.

Tell us more about your songs! Topics! Message!?

My music is about feelings, love and experiences.

Beside music, do you have any special talents?

I’m a pretty good house DJ. Shout me for your house parties.

Name 5 things we all should know about you as an artist?!

I’m 6,3’

My favourite genre of music is 90s hip hop

I support Arsenal

I don’t like going clubbing

Born in 2003

How did you learn to sing/ to write/to play?? 

I sat in my barn studio and did my 10,000 hours.

A question you’d like to answer, but never been asked in an interview before?! + Answer pls

What is life?

What you make of it.

Instagram: @tomdiditt