Roye – ‚Exhausted‘ + Exclusive Interview

1. Hello, thank you for your time, please introduce yourself in a few words!

Whats up guys! My name’s Roye – I’m an indie pop artist from Finland.

2. Please give us an update about – new single, new album, tour dates, new videos?!

Im currently working on to release a small Album / EP late this year! Its full of stories and emotions. Also I’ve got a bunch of songs ready to be released so stay tuned!

3. Name 5 things we all should know about you as an artist?!

  • Multi-talent: Besides of being artist, I’m also a songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist.
  • Diversity: My roots are in Rock music with bands and Dance music as a DJ – so I always try to make something new with my music and not stick to formulas.
  • Stories: My songs are based on true stories either from my life or from perspective of someone I know. I don’t want to be known by that one song that goes ”lalala”, but from the lyrics you can connect to.
  • Enthusiasm: I’ve never had formal team around me, but I’ve had to do all the hard work by myself.
  • Soul: There are soo many artists now a days that lack of talent – but are money making machines. I want to bring back the soul to music.

4. What fashion style or brand would best describe your music?

Id say something like Marimekko in it’s old days – known in Finland only, but now it’s taking over the world! Waiting when I’m at the point they are currently haha!

5. Tell us more about your songs! Topics! Message!?

My latest song Exhausted was about burning out and depression. I try to be honest with the lyrics and alwats have a message in them that you can feel within yourself.

6. Beside music, do you have any special talents?

I guess I should do maths or something like that, but it’s boring..

Bring me any calculations and Ill do it without calculator! I never used those Scientific Calculators not even in our Finals.

7. Being on stage feels like….!

I just love it. It’s so euphorious when you make people sing back at you to something you’ve written.. so crazy

8. How did you learn to sing/ to write/ to play??

Haha – I love this one. I learnt to write and play music before I could sing anything. I used to produce dance music, and I had labels interests in it – but didn’t feel like I was expressing myself that way – didn’t feel like it was me.

So at around 16-17 years of age I just had to take all the lessons in singing to start to build my voice, to be able to at some point sing my own music. So since my debut Further in 2019, Ive taken my catalog as an diary of progress. I haven’t sang for that long but I think it’s authentic when I sing my own songs – that’s my voice.

9. A question you’d like to answer, but never been asked in an interview before?! + Answer pls

Whats after covid?

I’m coming in with a bang – Ive got all my music ready, we have planned the whole live set out which is going to be a massive show with a band!

Cheers guys! Happy for the interview!

Instagram: @royemusic