Oleh Vasylyshyn shot by Igor Yermakov

Model Oleh Vasylyshyn
Age: 20
Heir: 187
Hometown: Kyiv, Ukraine
Instagram: oleh_vasylyshyn

Since childhood, I dreamed of a career as a model. I decided to change my lifestyle to achieve my goals. I started to train, eat carefully, changed my image, as well as my circle of friends. I began to study hard and develop myself in the direction of modeling, met many designers, photographers, etc. now they are my friends who support and motivate me.

I was a participant of Kyiv Fashion week, I starred in the music video of the famous singer Ivan Dorn „Мозоль“, I was published in the Spanish magazine NEOMEN, as well as a shooting for the clothing brand ZARA.

In a big crowd of people I often stand out and I have learnt that it is okay to be different.
If you ask me what are the strongest features of model – I’m energetic, positive, purposeful, if I have a goal I will achieve it no matter what it costs me.

Photographer Igor Yermakov, Kyiv, Ukraine
Insyagram igoryermakov.photography