Model Feature – Richard Read by Nige Rorbach (@immortalbynige)

Name : Richard Read

Height : 6ft

Instagram : @rich_plant_daddy

How did you get into modelling?

Hard to say really it kind of just happened

What are you doing if you are not modelling?

Well I’m a plant daddy so first guess something plant related. I love going to botanic gardens, zoos and the odd garden centre.

The most spontaneous/difficult/strange thing you’ve ever done?

I hand reared a baby ‚Roul Roul‘ partridge for a previous job.

What’s your life motto?

„Seize the day“

Describe your personal style – Favourite Brands/Fragrance?!

I’m probably best described as an alt, I don’t really have a style as such I just wearthings. I Love Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen and various other designers, namely underwear brands. I prefer to support UK underwear brands and really like SUKREW. lol

What genre of music best describes you?

Indie / rock

Where are your roots – The best thing about/to do in your hometown?

Gloucestershire born and raised. The best thing is the wildlife coupled with the peace and quiet

Name one celebrity you’d like to get naughty with!

Heath Ledger back in the day

Do you have any special Talents?

As well as green fingers, I enjoy performing with fire poi

What is the most interesting thing online at the moment?

Aliens Ha

What is it you enjoy about working with Nige?

He makes me feel relaxed and at ease, and also full of confidence

From the shoots you’ve done, do you have a favourite image or shoot? What makes it so special?

There’s an image from our shoot at a studio called Suspended Imagination where I posed with a mannequin, just shows I have a thirty something year old child inside ha ha.

Photos @immortalbynige