Life-Changing Health Tips for Men

Photo by Andy Vu from Pexels


During these crazy and hectic times, men are becoming increasingly concerned with living a healthy life. Of course, this makes a lot of sense. However, finding the time to be healthy while balancing work and social life is difficult, so naturally, men seek help and advice online.

But what does it mean to be ‘healthy’ in the 21st century? Well, it means quite a lot of things. Primarily, it’s the combination of positive physical and mental wellbeing. Of course, illnesses and accidents can strike at any moment – so certain health-related events are out of human control. However, a large portion of your health is determined by your actions and behaviors.

With that said, here’s a collection of life-changing health tips for men.

Take vitamin supplements

Ah, good old vitamins. Everyone remembers being taught the importance of vitamins at school, but some adults still don’t take them – which is crazy! In fact, according to Statista (as of 2020), 77% of U.S. women take dietary supplements, while only 68% of U.S. men do.

The health benefits that come with taking vitamins are incredible. For example, collagen supplement vitamins support healthier skin, hair, nails, and overall health. So, make sure to include them in your daily routine if you truly want to live your best life.

Drink water

Water is a man’s best friend.

By keeping yourself hydrated, your skin and body will thank you for it. Here are just a few of the benefits of drinking water:

  • Better digestion
  • Flushing out harmful bacteria and toxins
  • Better physical performance

Often, people will complain that water is “boring” and “has no taste”. If you can relate to this viewpoint, try throwing a couple of ice cubes into your glass or bottle while also adding some lemon drops.

Get out into nature

In today’s highly digital world, people are spending less time being active outdoors.
Even if it’s only for 20 minutes a day, you should try your best to get outside and enjoy the wonders of nature, whether it’s walking through a nearby field or jogging in an open-space area. It will leave you feeling fresh and rejuvenated.

Follow a consistent exercise routine

If you’re like most people, you’ve likely attempted to start exercising at various times throughout your life but inevitably fell victim to inconsistency. Then, at the start of each new year, gym memberships rocket through the roof, only for people to quickly give up and quit by February.
Basically: consistency is key. Whether it’s 100 push-ups and star jumps a day or a 5-mile run three times a week, be consistent with your exercise routine if you want to see results.

Cut down on screen time

Too much screen time is bad. If you’re a phone addict, set daily reminders so that you don’t spend too much time straining your eyes through apps!

Write a mental health journal

Mental health journals are a great tool for better mental health. They help to:

  • Highlight positives in your life
  • Track negative thoughts and thinking behaviors
  • Keep track of your mental health
  • Prioritize certain actions
  • Boost your mood

You can keep a mental health journal via a pen and paper journal or one of your devices, such as an iPhone or tablet.