Kyle Richardson – „Can You Hear Me“ + Exclusive Interview

Thank you very much for your time! Before we introduce your new release to our readers – what kind of drink would you recommend to sip on while they listen to your new music?

Thanks for having me! I always recommend a nice craft cider, especially for summer. It’s so nice, light and refreshing.

Please give us an update about – new single, new album, tour dates, new videos?!

Gladly! In May, I released my first single in quite a while, called “Can You Hear Me”, and it’s a big upbeat pop song about living your best life and staying true to yourself. It’s the first song released from my upcoming album called “Louder Than Words” which is due out later this year. I released the single with an accompanying music video, and I have three more singles and music videos to release leading up to and following the album! There may even be an acoustic version of the album coming! I’m also working on album release show with subsequent shows to come.

We live in times of many conspiracy theories. Which harmless theory would you wish were true? (For example Dinos living inside Earth or E.T. living in a home in California)

This is no slight against her, but the Avril Lavigne being a clone theory is so wild. It makes me laugh every time I think of it. I saw her on her most recent tour when she played in Vancouver and I’m fairly certain it was the real deal (IE: not a clone), and her show was so fun!

What fashion style or brand would best describe your music?

Ray-Ban Wayfarers because it’s simultaneously classic and current.  The music on this album sonically feels homey and familiar. Some songs have a bit of a classic/throwback vibe, while some of the other songs are super clean and fresh.

Tell us more about your songs! Topics! Message?

I generally try to write songs that are positive. Whether or not they originate from a sad place, there’s always a positive spin you can place on something to maybe inspire hopefulness to a listener who may be going through a similar situation. The songs on this upcoming album are about being true to yourself, getting through hard times and knowing something better is around the corner, different stages of romance, and about looking back on good times.

Beside music, do you have any special talents?

I have the ability to thrive off of very little sleep. I can also fill up an Amazon cart in no time flat, and I can always find an excuse to get movie tickets any given day of the week.

Name 5 things we all should know about you as an artist!

I love writing songs with a positive message and from a positive perspective.

I always focus on doing something vocally unique or challenging.

I love writing and collaborating with other artists.

I want to write music in as many genres as possible.

I could live in a recording studio if they’d let me.

How did you learn to sing / to write / to play?

I started singing in elementary school when I was forced to sing solos at school assemblies, Christmas shows, and such. I was too shy to get into doing that myself, so I’m grateful to have had a teacher who believed in me and put me in that position!

In high school I started taking part in musical theatre programs, talent shows, doing some casual voice and guitar lessons, and playing in a band with some friends who were amazing musicians. The band and I went on to play at coffee shops for years and do weddings and private parties in the area, which really helped me get more comfortable performing and learn how to work alongside other musicians.

I started writing songs more seriously after all of us in the band went our separate ways. I reached out to producers and started working with an amazing producer, Jeff Dawson. He really took the time to work with me and develop my writing skills and as an artist in general. Now I finally have an album I’m proud to call my own!

A question you’d like to answer, but never been asked in an interview before? + Answer pls

“What would you like your lasting contribution to be as an artist?”

I’d love to have a legacy as an artist who always delivers, vocally, lyrically, and emotionally. I want to always inspire some sort of reaction with my music. I also love having a positive sentiment to my material so that the listener feels happy, nostalgic, or inspired after listening to my songs.

Instagram: @TurnUpTheKyle

Photo Credit Jeremy Sobocan