Jack Panther – „WEEKEND AT BERNIES“ + Exclusive Interview

1. Thank you very much for your time! Before we introduce your new release to our readers – what kind of drink would you recommend to zip on while they listen to your new music?

GREAT QUESTION! I looove a Mezcal, it’s like such a yummy a smokey tequila. Honestly I’m still searching for the right mixer to have with mezcal so if anyone has any Mezcal tips – flick me a DM, I’d love to hear it!

2. Please give us an update about – new single, new album, tour dates, new videos?!

AH I just love my new single WEEKEND AT BERNIES! I’m really proud of how it all just flourished out of a spontaneous writing session. The track feels super fun, a mix of playful and quirky energy but bursting with feeling!

My New Zealand tour is kicking off next week, I’m just SO excited to play shows again, it’s like one of my favourite things! I’m really proud of how the band is sounding and pumped to show off some new music too.

There may or may not be a music video incoming too!!

3. We live in times of many conspiracy theories. Which, harmless, theory would you wish were true? (For example Dinos living inside Earth or E.T. living in a home in California)

The theory that just kills me everytime is Mark Zuckerberg supposedly being a lizard. It’s so ridiculous that like who would even come up with that, but then at the same time if you look closely enough he has some funny mannerisms which doesn’t help his case and makes it even more funny!

4. What fashion style or brand would best describe your music?

I’m actually a really big fan of the NZ brand Beach Brains (@beachbrains), they’re a really exciting streetwear brand and I’m excited to see what they’ll continue to do.

5. Tell us more about your songs! Topics! Message!?

I just love writing and being in the studio, it was my first love with music! I’m so used to writing sad music but during NZ’s strict covid lockdowns I found myself getting upset when writing and recording sad music. That’s where this new era of music has started coming through. It’s more playful, fun and I’m more excited to play it live because it’s easier to dance to and enjoy. I think theres a time and place for both happy and sad music, I’m just excited to be writing more happier music for now!

6. Beside music, do you have any special talents?

I actually joined a queer rugby team in Auckland at the beginning of the year called the Falcons! I wouldn’t at all say it’s a talent of mine but it sure is fun and I guess I’m getting better the long I play. It’s been so cool to be around more queer people, it makes you realise how we all humans seem to go through the same things – we are not alone.

Another special talent of mine is guessing peoples heights just by looking at them – I’m surprisingly good and it’s a fun talent to pull out at parties!!!

7. Name 5 things we all should know about you as an artist?!

  1. I’m gay
  2. With music I love to experiment, try different things. I don’t think I’ll ever confine myself as an artist to one style of genre. I love to push myself and make different eras of music. It’s what keeps me inspired and driven.
  3. I began producing and writing music for people, then I began singing and working as an artist.
  4. I’m from and still living in New Zealand.
  5. I can only play 3 strings on guitar but somehow my guitar playing manages to end up on most songs I have!

8. How did you learn to sing/ to write/ to play??

I learnt piano as a kid for one or two years then stopped at about 8 years old. Around 14 I began teaching myself, then about 16 I got a tutor. He then began tutoring me in songwriting and producing, he really showed and inspired me a lot!

After a year of trying out a degree in Psychology, I went and studied music. There I began working mostly as a producer, songwriting and keys player. I then by the end of the 3rd year was singing and working as my own artist. It was a really cool way to develop, I feel like I’m a lot more aware of a lot of processes as an artist because of it.

9. A question you’d like to answer, but never been asked in an interview before?! + Answer pls

What’s the weirdest thing that you know of that’s happened with your music?

A good friend of mine (let’s call him John) was one time getting with this guy (and let’s call him Pete). Afterwards they were having pillow talk and Pete said he’d put some music on music. He then proceeds to start playing music and said to John “Wow I just discovered this artist the other day, he’s so good!”. Pete then proceeds to play MY music to my one of my best mates who’s just finished having sex with him…

I never thought my music would ever be played with pillow talk, let alone to one of my friends hahaha!

Your Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jackpanthermusic/