Intelligent Techniques to Give Your Small Startup Business a Unique Name

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Finding short company names for a small start-up can add value to it, leading to a successful venture. Choosing incorrect names will affect your brand image, confuse the audience, and fail to resonate with your targeted customers. Additionally, it may lead to insuperable business as well as legal hassles.

According to an article published in Forbes, your company name should be powerful and clear to help in your branding and marketing initiatives. In this article, you will learn about these five useful tips to name your startup business.

1. Avoid choosing a name that restrains your business growth

Choosing an extremely narrow name will lead to problems in the future. For example, do not use names like Beverages of New York. Avoid limiting a business name to any specific product or location. If you are dealing in beverages and related products, think of a smart, relevant name that resonates with your business theme and product! It will help customers to identify your company with the products on offer.

2. Correct spellings for names

You will not like to see your prospective customers to be confused with long, misspelled names. It will be difficult to search for your startup name online. Think of short company names with accurate spelling instead. This way, you can avoid constantly rectifying an incorrectly spelled business name. Keep the name short and simple.

3. Research startup names

Spend some time researching business names online. Go through various start-up naming websites and make a list of names. Then, do not use an exactly similar name. The research is to help you get creative ideas and not be a copycat. Let your creative juices flow when you think of startup names when researching on the internet.

4. Think of a name that adds meaning

Usually, you should think of a name that is meaningful and creates positivity concerning your business. Can customers understand what you sell through your business name? For example, if you are selling lifestyle products, think of a relevant name that is creative as well as easy to understand. Avoid choosing names that have no meaning or using too much creativity in a name that makes no sense to your audience. If you do so, such meaningless names will adversely affect your brand.

5. Use a catchy name

There is no point in using a name for your startup that sounds dull. Again, you should avoid a name that is too ambiguous for your targeted buyers. It should be catchy as well as easy to pronounce and remember. Avoid long names that sound like tongue twisters. You can take feedback from your friends or business associates regarding catchy business names. The rule of thumb is short company names, which people will like and remember easily.


Now that you have these tips ready, hope this gives you some ideas to think of an intelligent name for your startup. The name should appeal to your audience as well as your employees. That is what matters in the long term.