How to be the perfect father to your kids even after divorce

Photo by Juliane Liebermann on Unsplash

After a divorce, one of the main things parents worry about is how it will affect their relationship with their children. After all, divorce is never easy on kids, and resentment is a common issue for both parents and kids alike. It’s hard to kickstart your new life after divorce if you’re both battling for custody of your kids.

In these situations, as a father, you want to make sure that you maintain a healthy relationship with your child. That is easier said than done, especially if you aren’t on good terms with your ex. However, there are a couple of things you can do to improve your relationship and be the perfect father to your kids. Here are a few to help you get started.

Be a parent in your way

There’s no consensus on what makes a good parent. There are numerous teaching and parenting methods that all have their benefits and downsides. For many divorced parents, taking inspiration from their partners is the go-to option. After all, you can have your parenting methods, but they should be similar enough to your partners‘ so that your child doesn’t get confused, right? Well, not exactly.

When you’re with your child, you’re the one in charge. Take the time that you have with your child to teach them as you see fit. Instill your principles and give them the life lessons they need to progress in life.

When it comes to the rules in your home, you decide. If their mother allows them to do certain things and you do not, make sure that you emphasize this difference and help your child understand why things are different.

Don’t force them to take sides

It’s no secret that most divorces don’t end on a high note. Relationships fall apart for a wide variety of reasons, and it’s normal to feel some level of distrust and resentment in some situations. However, this isn’t a sentiment you want to transfer to your child. They shouldn’t be forced to pick sides when they spend time at your place or your ex’s house.

It may be tempting to turn your child against your ex, but you should never stoop to that, even if your ex has. Avoid saying anything negative about them to your child, and keep it to yourself. After enough time has passed, your child will be able to understand the effect that this could have had on your relationship, so it’s best to keep things neutral.

Get proper legal support

Divorce can get pretty messy, especially if your marriage ended on a bad note. Your ex-partner might want to see your child more often than you do, and that can be a major issue. At the same time, there could be problems with alimony if this isn’t negotiated in good faith.

Fighting with your ex in court can put enormous stress on your relationship with your child. Many Australian fathers have found it difficult to manage the stresses of parenting and dealing with the legal side of divorce. When these kinds of issues arise, it helps to have the support of experienced legal counsel. It’s recommended that you get in touch with the best family lawyers in Sydney as you finalize the divorce. Not only will this help you go over the process smoothly, but you’ll also save time that could be better spent with your child.

Manage the back-and-forth with your child

One of the more stressful parts of divorced parenting is making the child go back and forth between your homes. It’s unavoidable, as custody rights tend to be split among both parents. Whenever this happens, the child has to adapt to a different environment and change accordingly. If you have different rules, this can pose a problem at the beginning.

Many children act out when they get sick of the transition, and dealing with this can be a bit unpleasant. Plenty of Australian parents finds that their relationships with their kids suffer as a result of this kind of back-and-forth.

There’s not much you can do except show them empathy and try to understand where they’re coming from when they act up. They have no control over your divorce, and they will eventually grow out of this phase. Do your best to handle the situation in an empathetic way.


There are many things you can do to improve your relationship with your child after a divorce. It’s not a simple situation by any means, and you shouldn’t expect things to go over smoothly at the beginning. Expect to see a lot of fighting and fussing, as this is a stressful time for everyone in your family. The key to being a good father is to power through it and stick to your principles no matter what happens. Even if your partner insults and disparages you in front of your child—Always be the bigger person. You will eventually realize that it was for the best, and your child will likely agree.