Healthy Habits to Start in 2022 by Paisley Hansen

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

As the new year gets closer, it’s time to start thinking about what resolutions you’ll make. If you’re like most people, they will likely have the theme of bettering yourself and your lifestyle. Perhaps the best way to begin changing your life is by starting some healthy habits. Making positive changes in little ways will snowball into an overall positive effect on your life, so don’t be afraid to start something new with the new year.

Look at Your Drinking Habits

With the new year approaching, one of the habits you may want to evaluate is your drinking. While there is nothing wrong with drinking as long as you’re of legal age and being responsible, drinking too much could have adverse effects on your health. Of course, one of the main dangers of overdrinking is liver damage. When you drink too much, the cells in your liver begin to break down, leading to poor liver function. Alcohol and sleep are related also, with drinking too much negatively affecting your sleep cycle.

If you’re wanting to prevent these damages, it may be wise to limit the amount of drinking you do. Try not to have more than 5-7 drinks a week to maintain the best health for your body. If you have more than this, the damages to your cells could be faster than your body can keep up with. Taking a closer look at your drinking habits could help to improve your health for years to come.

Evaluate Your Nutrition

One of the best ways you can improve your daily life is by taking a good look at your nutrition. The things you eat and drink are the direct fuel for your body, so keeping a balanced diet is crucial to having a healthy lifestyle. Eating balanced foods doesn’t mean only having steamed rice and chicken every night with no sugars or carbs, but rather making sure that everything you eat is in moderation. Each food group has its place in your diet, but it’s important to make sure you’re not overindulging in any one thing.

Along with proper intake of a balanced diet, now is the time to start a habit of movement. It is incredibly easy to cut movement out of your daily schedule in favor of just getting your to-do list done, but this year, you should make it a priority. When you incorporate movement into your daily routine, you not only get physical benefits such as muscle growth but also receive stress relief and better sleep on the side. You don’t have to spend hours in the gym every day to build a healthy movement habit, but making small changes like taking the stairs or walking rather than driving can help add more movement into your life.

Improve Your Saving Practices

Finally, you should make the effort to save more money as the new year sets in. No matter what your current financial state is, there is always the opportunity for further savings. Like other habits, increasing your savings starts with small changes. Every day, look for a way you can save at least one dollar. This could be by skipping your usual takeout, walking a little farther instead of paying for parking, or buying generic brand over name brand groceries. These small changes may only save you a few cents a day, but in time they’ll add up and put more money back into your pocket.

In addition to spending less, you should also open a designated bank account strictly for your savings. Opening a savings account will not only help you separate your money and make saving easier, but could also gain you interest on your current funds. A savings account that accumulates interest puts more money in your pocket the longer you save, helping your money work for you. Making saving a habit can help pay off bills and lessen your stress, so make it a regular practice this year.

Overall, little improvements turn into lifelong changes. This year, try to make small changes to improve yourself and see how far it takes you.