DJ NTO – Debutalbum „APNEA“ + Exclusive Interview

1. Hello, thank you for your time, please introduce yourself in a few words!

Hello ! thanks a lot for the itw 🙂

My name is Anthony, my artist name is NTO, I live in Marseille in the south of France and I’ve been producing electronic music (melodic techno, let’s say) for about ten years 🙂

2. Please give us an update about – new single, new album, tour dates, new videos?!

My album APNEA has just been released! On October 8th exactly. It’s my first one so it’s an amazing time for me 🙂 we just released a new music video for “Beyond Control”, the track I produced with Monolink. And there are others to come. So many gigs going on! It’s great to be able to play live again… and we’re preparing the APNEA album tour for 2022. A lot of exciting stuff 🙂

3. Name 5 things we all should know about you as an artist?!

– I listen to many different styles of music

– I consider video games as an art. It inspires me a lot 🙂

– I also consider food an art😆

– I’m lazy by nature but once I’m getting started, I’m unstoppable 🙂

– I often say things through my melodies that I can’t say otherwise

4. What fashion style or brand would best describe your music?

I admit that I’m not really into fashion 🙂 I like some from time to time but I often drop it quickly… I think that what would match the most my music would be a rather „Normcore“ style. Not too sophisticated, rather sober and simple at first sight, but with a deeper meaning in the background.

5. Tell us more about your songs! Topics! Message!?

Actually, most of the time I feel immersed when I compose tracks, and I was often told that the sounds evoked something „underwater“, or aquatic.  So I wanted to suggest this universe in the album in an abstract way.

The philosophical idea behind it is that we go through life by „holding our breath“, like a mental, psychological apnea.

In a way, the music is a way to fill an empty space and give a meaning to something absurd.

This idea is present through almost all my pieces. At least that’s what I release when I need to create 🙂

A lot of people tell me they feel like they know me a little bit through my music, and when I talk to them, I feel a little bit the same… I love that.

Also, I very often need/want to connect a piece or an idea to someone around me. And I like to dedicate pieces too. I’ve done it a lot on my albu. I think all the songs on APNEA connect me to specific people.

6. Beside music, do you have any special talents?

No, I don’t really have a „TALENT“ 🙂 That’s a strong word 🙂 I like to do a lot of things but I don’t really have a „hidden talent”.

I draw a little bit, I like to cook for example… but nothing really crazy 🙂

I also did some 3D and motion design, I really liked it. I felt I was progressing, I was really passionate about it, but then I focused entirely on my music. I would love to do it again one day though!

7. Being on stage feels like….!

Being levitated.

In fact at the beginning of my career I didn’t like to play, it was really violent for me. I didn’t feel comfortable, nor legitimate… I think it was due to the fact that I only played my productions live, so it was not very reassuring at the beginning 🙂

Then with time (and more maturity for sure) I really got into it and now I think I couldn’t step back as I’m hooked! When I master my live, when I have fun with the structure of the songs and with the audience, I feel completely floating, really free. It’s a crazy feeling.

8. How did you learn to sing/ to write/ to play??

I taught myself! I didn’t really learn music theory when I was young, but I started playing guitar at 10. Just because I really wanted to play it (I listened to a lot of rock).

I think it took longer to come up with stuff, and even now I don’t have a huge theoretical background in music but I think you can make it a real strength with a lot of work. It allows you to think outside the box, to look for original ideas etc…

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