Anxiety: Causes & Types Of Treatment

Each of us experiences anxiety from time to time. It is the body’s physical response that helps us avoid danger by giving us the energy and vigilance to escape.

But for some people, anxiety doesn’t just go away; it affects their ability to concentrate, sleep and carry out usual tasks. These feelings can be a sign of anxiety disorders. Fortunately, you can get better due to the broad range of effective treatments for anxiety. Here are some of the possible treatment for people with anxiety disorders.Check out one of the best herbal remedies for reducing anxiety by following this link:

Primary Reasons For Anxiety Disorders

While experiencing anxiety is typically a normal physiological reaction to specific events, suffering from it regularly can constitute a more serious anxiety disorder. However, how can you identify the difference between fleeting moments of anxiety and the existence of more chronic conditions? Here are some factors that lay the foundations for more serious anxiety disorders.

  • Genetic predisposition. Such disorders are partly genetic, but research on twins showed that in 30-40% of cases, genetics have an impact on individual anxiety differences and how we respond to stress. This highlights how much a person’s genetic background can influence their susceptibility to gain anxiety disorders;
  • Environmental factors. Studies have confirmed that lifestyle factors like socialising with people, maintaining good friendships and having a positive school environment can influence the onset and development of these disorders. This is especially significant because chronic anxiety typically occurs during childhood and declines by teenage years;
  • Difficult upbringings. Family relationships, child abuse, neglect and poverty also play an essential role in the appearance of anxiety;
  • Drug use. Consumption of various medications and narcotics, including alcohol, caffeine, and benzodiazepines, have also been proven to increase the likelihood of developing anxiety disorders;
  • Stress. Chronic stress trains your brain to avoid tension in the future; however, even though it has the power to build emotional resilience, it can also make you more vulnerable to future mental distress.

Anxiety & Depression: What’s The Difference?

Anxiety and depression are considered two of the most common mental health conditions globally, so it’s no surprise that the terms are often used alongside each other. However, despite some overlapping causes and symptoms, it’s important to differentiate the two mental health conditions so you can understand your diagnosis and have a better chance of treating it.

First of all, depression is essentially one illness, as compared to anxiety which is technically an umbrella term for different conditions. Symptoms of major depression include a low or depressed mood, a lack of interest in previously enjoyable activities, a decreased appetite, issues with sleeping, and feelings of guilt and worthlessness, to name a few. In addition to these symptoms, around half of those diagnosed with depression also suffer from some type of anxiety, with a common subtype being anxious distress.

Anxiety disorders encompass a range of more specific conditions. These include the most prevalent generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) and many less common disorders such as panic disorders and phobias. Typically, those suffering from anxiety are more keyed up to manage their anxious thoughts, in comparison to those with depression which generally suffer from increased hopelessness and empty moods, which often restrict their ability to change their situations. The good news is that treatment for both of these conditions are available.

Different Types Of Treatment For Anxiety

Self-Help Resources

Various self-help resources may be the first treatment option your therapist will suggest. This is because they are available fairly quickly and may even help you feel better without trying other options. It can also be a great method to learn more about anxiety and practice different skills at your own pace or in between your treatment sessions.

There are many materials, toolkits, worksheets and videos on anxiety and anxiety disorders, which you can easily find online, depending on your particular anxiety disorder. You can also refer to offline resources like books and workbooks to help you manage anxiety, relax and live well.

Lifestyle Changes

Although there is no way to prevent anxiety or predict what might cause someone to develop an anxiety disorder, there are different ways to diminish the impact of anxiety symptoms. Whether you are subjected to occasional anxiety or have a particular anxiety disorder, some strategies that can help you cope with its symptoms include the following ones:

Maintain regular physical activity. Exercise not only helps you stay healthy, but it also improves your mood and reduces stress reducer. You can go for a quick walk or jog, do yoga or simply dance. But make sure to develop a fitness routine so that you are physically active most days of the week.

Eat a well-balanced diet. Try not to skip nutrition and focus on adding food rich in vitamins, vegetables and essential fatty acids to your daily meal plan, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish.

Avoid alcohol, nicotine, recreational drugs and high amounts of caffeinated beverages. All these substances can cause or worsen your symptoms of anxiety.

Get quality sleep. Try to make sleep a priority to feel rested and keep your anxiety levels at bae.

Use relaxation techniques. Deep breathing exercises, visualisation techniques, meditation and yoga, are some of the commonly used relaxation techniques intended to ease anxiety.

Art Therapy

While you might have heard about Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and its benefits, there are actually a variety of types of anti-anxiety therapy. For instance, art therapy is an experience-oriented, non-verbal therapy that includes the use of visual art to express and process your emotions or to practice mindfulness and promote relaxation.

While it can be considered as a stand-alone therapy through painting, drawing or sculpting, it is typically used in combination with other treatments like CBT. However, since this is a newer form of therapy, more research is needed to support its effectiveness in decreasing symptoms of anxiety.

Alternative Medicine

For those suffering from anxiety, CBD benefits can help to soothe racing thoughts and restore the mind to a place of calm. Cannabidiol (commonly known as CBD) is a natural remedy that can help to relieve anxiety, boost your mood and regulate sleep quality through interaction with your body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). Since ECS is involved in various essential processes like stress, immune response, sleep, pain, inflammation, using CBD oil for anxiety might provide much-needed relief.