ALI REZ – ‘Back To U’ + Exclusive Interview


1. Thank you very much for your time! Before we introduce your new release to our readers – what kind of drink would you recommend to zip on while they listen to your new music?

Love this question. For my non-alcohol folks out there, I would say either a strawberry lemonade/lavender lemonade, a fruit flavored club soda/seltzer water, or a kombucha. As far as those looking for alcohol, I would say a whiskey ginger/gingerade. Not sure how these would compliment my music, but just my favorite drinks right now.

2. Please give us an update about – new single, new album, tour dates, new videos?!

I am releasing a new song on November 1, 2022, for World Vegan Day, called “Everything on the Menu is Vegan.” It is a celebratory song and anthem for the vegan community. We need one! Also working on finalizing my debut album, “Earth Warrior” which will be executive produced by SpaceAgeWeezy.

3.We live in times of many conspiracy theories. Which, harmless, theory would you wish were true? (For example Dinos living inside Earth or E.T. living in a home in California)

Ahhh, this is tough one. Probably that we are living in some sort of simulation and that our future selves or A.I., has created our present life. Really not sure if this would be a good or bad thing or whether it would be harmful, but have hope and optimism that my future self may look out for my best interests haha

4. What fashion style or brand would best describe your music?

Hmm def “Gorp Core” – the “Trail mix” fashion style – hiking, nature type of cloths. Its utilitarian, functional, and outdoors inspired – think L.L. Bean, Patagonia. Another fashion style that describes my music would be a style that allows one to wear the same thing every day, kinda like a uniform. It’s easy and eliminates the pressures from society to look or dress a certain way, but there’s still an element of expression.

5. Tell us more about your songs! Topics! Message!?

I always had an intention to create music that mattered. I want to address issues that matter to me, and I think are important to the world. I always want to use my voice to be a voice for the voiceless – animals, the planet, etc. I want to inspire, encourage, and motivate folks in life. But it’s a balance – lets have some fun too!

For example, I recently made a song for the Great Salt Lake, in Utah. The Great Salt Lake is drying up due to development and climate change. It will be pretty devastating if it does dry up completely. Its reached record low levels. The Lake is a haven for millions of migratory birds and ancient species like Stromatolites. I created a song and music video that raises awareness around the issue and released it exclusively on Bandcamp to raise money for a nonprofit working to address the issues surrounding the lake – Utah Rivers Council.

6. Beside music, do you have any special talents?

Not sure if this qualifies as a talent. But, I dumpster dive! Maybe I have a good sense at knowing which places to go to that will throw away the best things. I would say my best dumpster diving score was getting about $150.00 in bath bombs from LUSH.

7. Name 5 things we all should know about you as an artist?!

– I get a lot of inspiration from being in nature – whether that is meditating outside, going on a hike, or just picnicking near a stream. I have also written a lot of my
songs on hikes. I can hear the music playing in my head and lyrics or melodies come to me while I am hiking. I think some of the “white noise” effect is playing a role into my writing. Being able to quiet my mind and really dig deep into my heart.

– I want my art to disrupt and create change. I don’t want to just make art for the sake of creating. I want it to do something in the listener/viewer. Spark a thought. Maybe a change in one’s lifestyle. Or change their mood or feelings.

– Aside from making music, I am a tenant and foreclosure defense attorney in NYC and an animal rights advocate/vegan.

– I file citizen complaints against commercial vehicles that idle in NYC. I have made several thousand dollars doing this – fighting for clean air.

– I take cold baths and showers and practicing breathing techniques.

8. How did you learn to sing/ to write/ to play??

I would say that I learned to write from my sister. She was a big poet when I was
younger. She would hide her poems from me though. I would sneak into her room sometimes and read them. When I got older she opened up more and let me read them. She inspired me to express myself through poetry. To tell stories with words. She has also inspired my music taste – she is about 14 years older than me and grew up in nyc at the height of the hip-hop scene – the 90s.

9. A question you’d like to answer, but never been asked in an interview before?! + Answer pls

If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life what would it be?

I would choose the vegan Philly Cheese Steak from BUDS in Salt Lake City, Utah. They make their own bread and have their own vegan cheese. I could literally put that cheese on anything and eat it.

Instagram: @yo_alirez