crer |ê|
transitive verb
1. To have faith; Belief.
2. to have for oneself; to believe, suppose.

A deep belief in the shift of the human being’s paradigm, in the construction of a new and liberating vision free of criticism, judgment, prejudice, and stereotypes. A deep belief in what you don’t see but feel. A belief that something new can be born from deconstruction, that what is beautiful can come from errors, and that the possibility to take a chance arises from the hypothesis.

From an interpretation of the poem “Credo” by Natália Correia and from her way of being and living the concept for this season is born. A collection that thrives off construction and deconstruction exercises, with classic colors, but also some manipulation of fabrics, finishes, and details.

The playfulness of volumes, working through mistakes, the freedom to create, and the strangeness of the resulting pieces, impose the brand’s DNA. From purposeful errors in seemingly simple pieces new possibilities for wearability and new destinies emerge. Like a poem, the pieces can have different interpretations. The confrontation between classic and sport, both referencing the 90s and 2000s, is reinterpreted with contemporary language.

Directly from the poem, a pattern is born. Where the romantic, nostalgic, and classical feeling contrast the psychedelic effect of error, created from the manipulation and deconstruction of the pattern through stains or even brushstrokes with acid tones and strong saturation of colors.

“(…) creio no incrível, nas coisas assombrosas, na ocupação do mundo pelas rosas,
creio que o amor tem asas de ouro. Amém.”
„(…) I believe in the incredible, the haunting things, the occupation of the world by roses, I believe that love has golden wings. Amen.“