Photo by Rachel Park on Unsplash

As a student, you need all the energy you can muster as you go about your daily activities. Not only should it be tasty and nutritious, but also easy to prepare when you’re short on time. Breakfast is an important meal and can pretty much set you up for the rest of the day, or at least until lunch time, making your life much better.

What if you’re not a breakfast person?

Understandably, there are people who don’t naturally get hungry for breakfast. Such people just don’t naturally feel hungry in the morning, and that’s okay. Personally, I would advise you not to force yourself to eat if you don’t like it. As long as lunch time doesn’t find you literally starving, you can comfortably skip breakfast. The important thing here is to listen to your body. It will naturally tell you when it gets hungry and when it doesn’t. Your hunger cues will guide you on when to eat, and when to stop. Oh, and please eat slowly. It not only helps you savor the food, but it also gives your stomach time to send the signal to your brain that it’s full and prevents you from overeating.

Now, if you still want to learn about some breakfast recipes, here are 7 great dishes for a perfect student breakfast:


Whether you’re eating alone or with friends, you just can’t go with Fajitas. You can add ingredients and swap them as you wish.    All you have to do is slice, chop, and then serve them. You can also make them much more interesting by using pork cuts, some mole sauce (homemade would be best), and even some delicious salsa on the side. Alternatively, if you’re not of a carnivorous disposition, you can make vegetarian fajitas with tofu and soy.

Morning Glory Overnight Oats

In case you’re not a morning person, I’m happy to tell you that you’re not alone. Whether it’s some easy essay writing or an exam waiting for you, mornings tend to come with a lot of pressure. If you just can’t seem to find the time to make something more serious when you wake up, and all you can do is have a quick shower and grab your books, then what you need is a simple breakfast recipe.
In this case, morning glory overnight oats are the perfect recipe, especially since all the prep happens the night before. All you have to do is get some rolled oats, some milk, and whatever else you would like to add to the recipe. You can do maple syrup and raisins if you want, or you can do anything else. The key here is not to be shy once you get the basics right.

Avocado Toast

Avocado toast, if the memes are to be believed, is the food of hipsters. The truth, however, is that it can make for a nutritious and filling breakfast. Avocados are a great source of healthy fatty acids, as well as fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Thanks to the fiber, in particular, an avocado will keep you feeling full for a long time. If you want to make things more interesting, you can add some spices to your avocado. What’s more, you can pack some of that toast for a mid-morning snack!

Ham and Cheddar Muffins

This is an awesome recipe if you don’t particularly like cooking in the morning. These are lunchbox muffins, so you can prep them and throw them in the oven the day before. The next morning, you will not only have a great breakfast waiting for you, but also for a few days after. Muffins are especially easy to pack and you can take them with you to provide an afternoon snack.

Another great thing about muffins is that there is a horde of different recipes and variations that you can try. Don’t worry, once you get the basics, you can add your own touch.

Southwestern Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

In case you aren’t in much of a rush, you can go for this more involving meal. The good news is that it’s delicious and filling and does not include the obvious eggs and bacon. Southwestern Stuffed Sweet Potatoes are both sweet and salty, and a great way to start any morning.


Burritos are among the best Tex-Mex and Mexican foods to come out of Texas. However, in case you don’t feel like going out to a food truck to grab some food, consider making your own, packing it with meat, cheese, and eggs, and wrapping them in flour tortilla. This is a great food if you’re looking to build up some energy for the day, and you can make a bunch of them and throw them in the fridge to keep you fed for the rest of the week.

Pasta on the Hob

This is a great meal for when you’re tight on time and can’t make something too serious. It includes tagliatelle and sausage and can be prepared in 5 minutes and cooked in 20. You can even make it veggie with some chopped tomatoes, herbs and Mediterranean veg. if you want to make it even more interesting you can make it with Bolognese instead of Tagliatelle.


Breakfast is already the most important meal of the day. Don’t let it be the most difficult as well. With the easy recipes above, you are set up for a healthy and energetic week. Your studies will thank you for it!

Author Bio

Arthur Evans is a highly skilled freelance writer and proofreader from the UK. Being interested in everyday development, he writes various blog posts and discovers new aspects of human existence every day. Feel free to contact him via Twitter.