4 Tips To Make Your Instagram Selfies Stand Out

Photo by Bedbible

According to social media research, Instagram posts with faces in them do 38% better than posts without a face in them. How? They get more likes, more comments, and reach more people. Experts theorize that it’s because of how people connect more to other faces on a subconscious level. 

This is why posting selfies and photos of yourself on Instagram is a great idea to grow your following and your platform, and why you so often see influencers mixing educational content with photos of themselves and content where they’re showing their face. However, it’s not easy to get the right photo, and a lot of people don’t know the right tricks to produce the amazing content we see online every day. 

If you’re one of those people who is lost on how to take selfies or make their selfies stand out from the crowd, keep reading. We have some amazing tips and tricks that will help you look your best. 

Know Your Angles 

One of the most important things when it comes to selfies is to know what your best side is, and to know your angles and work with them. A good way to do this is to practice taking selfies and notice what poses you like more than the others. Some poses will work better for boys, and some for girls, and if you’re unsure, you can learn more about selfie poses for boys by looking at the Instagram feeds of influencers you like and trying to recreate those poses and looks. 

With time and some practice, you will be able to pose effortlessly for your selfies, and come up with great results every time. 

Try Natural Lighting 

The downside of artificial or indoor lighting is that it’s usually harsh and makes imperfections and textures stand out on your skin. This is why a lot of influencers and models love natural lighting. 

If you want to take photos where your features appear softer and your skin looks clearer and texture free, try taking some shots in soft early morning or evening sunlight. You can also get artificial lamps that imitate that same soft lighting, and are very popular among people not only because of their smoothing effect on the skin, but also because they improve the atmosphere of the room they’re used in. 

Make it Interesting 

If you think you won’t be able to stand out from the competition with a simple smile and a selfie, get creative. You can use a lot of effects on Instagram like Boomerang, add interesting backgrounds or even an artistic touch to make the photos stand out. We’ll talk more about this in the next section. 

If you want to make your photos look a little difefrent, try going for a cool effect, use artistic editing and even some colored or creative writing that shows off your creativity as well as grabs attention. On the other hand, you can even tell stories with your selfies. This can be done by posing next to a very interesting background – this can be something as simple as a spilled bowl of cereal, or something like a photo in front of a famous painting that you loved in a museum, that you now want to tell your followers about. 

Photo by Pressmaster from Pexels

Add Props and Include the Background 

A very big problem people face when posting to Instagram is that they don’t have the background they want, but that’s just an opportunity for you to test your creativity and see what you can come up with. 

One of the simplest fixes is to hang up a plain white sheet on a wall. You can even create fun patterns if you have the time, or hang up patterened sheets insteaf of plain ones. On the other hand, photo editing apps like PicsArt now come with the option to edit the background how you want to.