10 Quick and Easy Oral Hygiene Routine for Healthy Mouth

Oral hygiene is essential to maintain healthy gums and teeth even as you age. It is not enough to brush, floss, and rinse your teeth. Dental experts recommend improving toothbrushing techniques, avoiding intake of soda, and ditching cigarettes. Proper and diligent practice of oral hygiene is the key to having a healthy mouth.

Here are some oral hygiene routines you can follow:

Drink fluoridated water

Aside from using fluoride toothpaste, dentists also recommend using fluoridated water. The fluoride strengthens the teeth‘ enamel and prevents cavities. It cannot repair the cavities but can reverse tooth decay and possible new cavities.

Use Proper Brushing Technique

Practicing proper brushing techniques must be included in your daily oral hygiene routine. Choose the right brush, as much as possible soft-bristled one. Start brushing at the gum line, inside the teeth, the molars, and going outside teeth. Brush every cranny and nook if possible, and don’t forget the tongue and gums.

Choose your toothbrush wisely

Using the right toothbrush for your teeth is necessary. The toothbrush comes in different types, such as electric or manual, and handle or bristle type. It is recommended to use a soft-bristled toothbrush with a small to medium size head. Replace the toothbrush after three months, or if you notice the bent bristles.

Use a Tongue Scraper

Plaque builds not only in the teeth but also on the tongue. It will give an unpleasant odor to your mouth and can lead to oral health issues. Thus, as part of your oral hygiene routine, including scraping your tongue or brushing it gently.

Consider mouthwash

Many people don’t believe that mouthwash is an essential part of cleaning the teeth and mouth. Dental experts say using mouthwash is beneficial in three ways, such as

  • Clean areas hard to brush
  • Balances the acid inside the mouth
  • Improves the minerals of the teeth

For those who do not floss regularly, using mouthwash is recommended. Ask your dentist about the specific mouthwash best for your teeth.

Limit alcoholic drinks

Do you know that the beverage you drink like sodas, coffee, sugary and alcoholic drinks can affect your dental health? Alcohol can adversely affect your teeth.

  • Gum disease – alcohol dependence has a serious impact on the periodontal status and worse the overall mouth health. It is because heavy drinking of alcohol influences the microbiome of the mouth. Thus, adversely affects gum health and eventually leads to gingivitis.
  • Dental decay – aside from gum disease, alcohol can also cause dental decay. Alcohol can induce dry mouth because the production of saliva reduces. The saliva has the important purpose of washing away microorganisms. Without the saliva, plaque builds up and the acids can damage the teeth‘ enamel. Thus, dental decay is possible.
  • Staining teeth – the color of the liquor can stain the teeth. Red wine contains high tannin that causes staining. Some stains can be temporary, but others can lead to long-term problems.

To prevent the terrible effects of alcoholic drinks on your teeth, the best thing is to avoid such beverages. Brush your teeth after alcohol consumption and use mouthwash. Otherwise, you will need professional help to remove the stains.  

Eat a well-balanced diet

Eating a well-balanced diet is an integral part of an oral hygiene routine. You may find ready-to-eat foods convenient, but it is not healthy for your teeth. Thus, it is better to consume crunchy, fresh produce that contains healthy fiber. Sugary foods are not good for the teeth and mouth. It is because the sugar is converted into an acid that can erode the enamel.

Drink more water

Drinking more water is recommended for overall health. For oral health, it is recommended to drink water after eating anything. It can help to wash and remove the food particles left in your teeth.

Limit your coffee intake

Like alcoholic beverages, coffee intake can also cause stains on your teeth. Aside from staining the teeth, the tannin in coffee can also trigger bacteria growth in your mouth. Thus, expect possible enamel erosion that can make the teeth brittle and thin. Coffee can also cause halitosis or bad breath. To avoid the adverse effects of coffee on your oral health, the best thing to do is brush your teeth, scrape your tongue, and use mouthwash after drinking coffee.

Visit the dentist at least twice a year

Visiting a dentist twice a year is ideal to check your dental condition. There are reasons some people cannot have dental checkups. But it is essential to schedule your visit and save money for it. This way, you can prevent experiencing gum disease, tooth decay, trauma, and worse cancer. It is more affordable to visit a dentist and take care of your teeth than spend for treatment.

Final thoughts

Having healthy teeth is an enormous factor in a personality. Not all of us have a complete set of teeth. That is why it is essential to practice good oral hygiene. Start at a younger age to avoid an early appearance of tooth decay. The routines cited above can help develop healthy oral hygiene.