Andrei Lucas – ’90’s Summer Cool‘ + Exclusive Interview

1 Hello, thank you for your time, please introduce yourself in a few words!

Andrei Lucas, London based song-writer and producer. I sing what I write, I co-produce and I’m always looking to send across a message that my audience would identify with and follow my journey as an artist.

2. Please give us an update about – new single, new album, tour dates, new videos?!

After a few releases in the past, I released my debut album in may, a very personal body of work that follows my personal journey and growth from pain to healing and from insecure to emancipated. The album had the lead single London Baby, and now as I am continuing with my electro-pop journey, the new single 90’s Summer Cool is a track I am focused on for the end of summer. It’s a track inspired by the late 90’s early 2000’s style, with a music video inspired by the series Pose, colourful, retro, depicting an urban love story.

3. Name 5 things we all should know about you as an artist?!

Resilient, Inspired by the past, Experimental with my persona and looks, a work in progress, a strong believer in fate.

4. What fashion style or brand would best describe your music?

At the moment I’m very inspired by the 90’s and early 2000’s. It’s a bit unexpected that there’s been a shift towards that era, but I’m all up for it. In terms of fashion brands, it depends really, because I could name big households, but as an indie musician I want to also give credit to indie designers, Walter Van Beirendonck and Nanushka inspire me a lot. If I were to choose a big name, I love the retro California rockstar style of Celine.

5. Tell us more about your songs! Topics! Message!?

My songs are based on personal development and growth, with an indie-pop sound and r&b, soul, and funk influences. The lyrics I write about vary from very deep to more fun ones like 90’s Summer Cool, which aims to be a fun summer track. My first single was called Heart On My Sleeve and it definitely had an impact on listeners. My life has had ups and downs and my mental health has been affected by my physical health. Overall those struggles reflect in songs like the opening track of my album called Second Thoughts where I depict my healing story of succeeding and then relapsing. Other tracks talk about the inability to fit in but still trying to find love such as the track Loverboy. I think my messages aim to be universal for an audience that understand life in its complexity.

6. Beside music, do you have any special talents?

Since the age of 15 I have been doing professional photography. Photography has stopped being a part of my work in the past 2 years but all my music videos are conceptualised by me and I act as a director of photography. I am passionate about menswear and I’d like to be again on a film set after working for HBO a few years ago.

7. Being on stage feels like….!

Performing is thrilling and in the current times performing through digital means is a concept that can reach a wide worldwide audience. I plan to do a digital live session in October where I will do an acoustic guitar medley of all my tracks and hopefully it will be a great experience. At the same time I plan to film and release a music video which we want to shoot in Romanian mountains in October, so I will have to see how things will go.

8. How did you learn to sing/ to write/ to play??

As a small child my parents were always listening to pop music, from Michael Jackson, to Jodeci, Mariah and Britney. I was very young when cassettes were just at the end of their popularity but I took some and started to record lyrics I would write. My mum was devastated to realise her cassettes were recorded over with my songs LOL, but we then did at home music videos as a game.

Moving on into teenage years I started making demos and I sent some to a few London studios which unexpectedly gave me positive feedback and remaining in contact with me even though they couldn’t necessarily offer me anything, but that still gave me a boost. I studied for a while guitar in quite a religious environment, which unfortunately didn’t allow me to be too pop and modern. After meeting in London my co-producer Andrei Sora, I felt that I found someone who not only understands my vision, but who also values and pushes me to dream and aim higher. So far, this is it and hopefully more will come.

9. A question you’d like to answer, but never been asked in an interview before?! + Answer pls

Sometimes people misunderstand me so the question would be, why do you think people misjudge you? I think people don’t have time to understand me easily and unfortunately these are the times we live in. Nonetheless I am a very anxious person who doesn’t have a strong ability to express myself verbally but better in writing. I am very shy and it takes time for me to come out of my shell hence why I come across as distant. I hope that through some of my songs and lyrics, my listeners will be able to understand better the person I am, but also identify with my journey.

Your Instagram: @andreilucasuk