Aaron Sheiman – Top Model Interview

Name: Aaron Sheiman
Age: 41
Height: 5’8”
Hometown: Orinda, CA
Agency: I represent myself
Instagram: @liberatedmuscle

1. How did you get into modeling?

After my first Men’s Physique show I decided to try it out.

2. What are you doing if you are not modeling?

Security and taking care of my adopted rabbits.

3. The most spontaneous/difficult/strange thing you’ve ever done?

My first bodybuilding show. I was not prepared for the extreme dieting and training, but came out of it a stronger person.

4. What’s your life motto?

It’s never too late.

5. Describe your personal style – Favorite Brands/Fragrance?!

Wear as little as possible lol. Though I like Maris Equi for their briefs and swimwear.

6. What genre of music best describes you?

Viking music.

7. Where are your roots – The best thing about/to do in your hometown?

There’s a historic movie theater but that’s about it lol.

8. Name one celebrity you’d like to get naughty with!

None. Not into celebrities.

9. Do you have any special Talents?


10. What is the most interesting thing online at the moment?

I love instagram motivational reels and may someday make a motivation page.

Photo Credits: David Wagner @wagnerla