The Guide To Throwing The Most EPIC Bachelor Party

Foto von Jacob Bentzinger auf Unsplash

When it comes to being a good friend, you’ve got your back. You’re always down to hang out, and you never hesitate to rally the crew for a fun night on the town. That’s why we’ve decided that it’s time for you to have a night out of your own: Your bachelor party! Whether this is your first time or not, here are some tips for throwing an amazing bachelor party that will be remembered for years to come.

Staying over at the hotel

  • Make sure the hotel offers a shuttle to and from the club. If your bachelor has a bit of a reputation for being wild, this is especially important.
  • Make sure the hotel offers a shuttle to and from the tattoo parlor. If your bachelor has been talking about getting his first tattoo for years, this may be your chance for him to finally do it!
  • Make sure there’s room service available 24/7 so you can order food in whenever you want without having to leave your room or go downstairs at all hours of night (and day).

Going to a tattoo parlor

Getting a tattoo is a great way to commemorate the event. It’s also something that you can do with your buddies, and it will be something that will last forever.

If you’re thinking about getting one, here are some things to consider:

  • What kind of tattoo should I get? This is the most important question! You want something that represents your bachelor party in some way, but if not done correctly it could end up looking like something else entirely (or just plain bad). For example: If my friend got his name tattooed on his forehead during our bachelor party weekend in Vegas–I would never forget this moment because it was so ridiculous! But if someone else did the same thing? Well then maybe no one would even notice…and since when did „Brian“ become synonymous with „douchebag“? The point here is: Be careful what kind of ink work goes down on those sensitive areas because once its there…it’s there forever!

Photo by Juliano Goncalves

Hanging out with the crew

After you’ve set up the plans for your bachelor party, it’s important to make sure that you’re hanging out with your crew. You don’t want them to feel left out, and if they’re not part of the festivities then they will be.

It’s also important that they know what kind of fun things are going on so they can get excited about them too!

Make sure that everyone knows that this is a celebration!

Get a limo or party bus with stripper poles and a stripper! You could also rent out an entire club if you have enough people in your group. This is going to be fun for everyone involved – especially for the groom-to-be!

Planning The Perfect Night Out

While this may sound like an obvious tip, planning out what exactly you want to do is crucial when throwing any kind of event. With such a large group of people, it can be easy for things to get out of hand if you don’t have a solid plan in place before hand. We recommend starting with deciding on a location for the night(s). Once you have this decision made, you can start mapping out other activities for everyone involved! If you want this to be an unforgettable evening, be sure to visit Liaisons. You will have crazy fun!

Hiring a stripper

You’re going to want to hire a stripper. It’s not just for bachelor parties anymore–it’s also a good way to get your money’s worth at any party where you have guys in attendance. The best strippers are the ones who know how to put on a show, so make sure you do your research beforehand and find someone who can really perform well.

Once you’ve found yourself a stripper (or two), it’s time for them to go through their routine! This is where things can get wild–but they don’t always need to be this crazy: sometimes all it takes is one person stripping down while everyone else watches with excitement and anticipation before breaking into song themselves (or dancing). If that sounds like fun then go ahead and give it a shot! 

Hopefully, this guide has helped you get a better idea of what to expect from your bachelor party and how to plan one. If you have any questions or comments about what we’ve covered here today, please leave them in the comment section below! We’d love to hear from you.

Image by stokpic from Pixabay