Santans – „Mukbang“ + Exclusive Interview

1. Thank you very much for your time! Before we introduce your new release to our readers – what kind of drink would you recommend to zip on while they listen to your new music?

Oi oi! I would recommend a glass of red wine. Preferably a Primitivo. Also being at a place with a nice view to let your thoughts dance would make the experience complete.

2. Please give us an update about – new single, new album, tour dates, new videos?!

I’m releasing my debut EP ‘Koi Boi’ in the end of July. Also playing a release show in Munich. Every song will get a music video for me being an art director and videographer.

3. We live in times of many conspiracy theories. Which, harmless, theory would you wish were true? (For example Dinos living inside Earth or E.T. living in a home in California)

It would be hilarious, if birds weren’t real. Even it was meant as a joke and satire, some people are believing in the idea.

4. What fashion style or brand would best describe your music?

Very basic in my everyday life. I got the same pair of denim jeans twice and white or black tanktops. To save the thought what to wear. For my stage and music video outfits it is very extra. Finding crazy tops and trousers in thrift shops.

5. Tell us more about your songs! Topics! Message!?

The songs are always very personal. My kind of coping mechanism I guess. But there is always an universal message, that is relatable for everyone. The songs on ‘Koi Boi’ describe my upbringing a small boy with Vietnamese background in a conservative little German village.

6. Beside music, do you have any special talents?

I just like to create. I am a self-taught freelance videographer and graphic designer. Also, I make the best pho soup in town.

7. Name 5 things we all should know about you as an artist?!

I like to hide hints in everything I do. Everything is connected. The music, artwork and videos.

I can’t sing that good, that’s why I always need 200+ takes in the studio.

I wouldn’t call myself a sole musician. I am artist with an idea and story I want to tell.

That I am aware that everything I do, is a small step to becoming the artist I want to be. It is flawed and not perfect.

But I love the process and documenting the journey. 

8. How did you learn to sing/ to write/ to play??

My father always told me to use YouTube. So everything learned is from videos and just trying. There is a kind of magic, if you don’t have a clue what you are doing. Just like a child exploring the world.

9. A question you’d like to answer, but never been asked in an interview before?! + Answer pls

Why are all my instagram highlight pictures pictures of Shiba Inu dogs? This is my way manifesting that I can be caring daddy of a Shiba Inu someday.

Your Instagram: @santans.santans

Pressefoto Santans_Credits: Neo Kurz