How To Use CBD for Relaxation

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

One of the most common misconceptions about CBD is that it’s psychoactive and shares the exact same characteristics as marijuana or cannabis. Though it comes from the plant itself, the THC component is not present. Therefore, CBD itself is not psychoactive and does not exacerbate anxiety.

The way that CBD is able to help people is through its narcotic effects. For the past few years, many have found it as a great solution for alternative therapy that provides adequate pain relief.

How Can CBD Oil Help People?

CBD oil is used in many applications to help calm anxiety, induce sleep or help with pain management thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Widely used as a skin oil, CBD can also reduce blemishes and inflammation on skin, especially for those with acne.

CBD oil can greatly benefit and positively impact your overall wellbeing. From calming nervousness to helping clear skin blemishes, it’s a win-win for everyone! Buy CBD oil here:

In What Ways To Use CBD Oil

We formulate our CBD oils to contain soothing scents such as patchouli, jasmine, and frankincense. Most importantly, our products are safe for daily application to help you de-stress and relax.

CBD oil is easy to use in a number of ways, but it is fantastic to add a few drops to your bath for a calming effect. It is also perfect for massaging into your skin after taking a hot shower. Our Body Balm can help you enhance your experience while the Ultimate Relaxation Set can calm you down for the night.

Using CBD Oil For Anxiety Relief

CBD is often credited with helping anxiety by controlling the levels of serotonin in the brain. One way to harness the powers of this oil is to massage it into your temples or the inside of your wrists for a relaxing effect.

The key to achieving the desired effects with CBD oil is to massage the oil into the appropriate body parts and use pressure points wisely.

Pressure Points For Relieving Anxiety

Try starting your journey with the Hall of Impression pressure point which is located in the center of your forehead. By applying CBD oil to this area using the steps below, you can help ease your mind and relieve stress.

First, always locate this pressure point between your two eyebrows in the middle. Then, apply a small drop of the CBD oil to your fingers and using your fingers, massage this area for about ten minutes. Make sure to focus on taking deep breaths while you do this.

The Heavenly Gate

The Heavenly Gate pressure point is also a great way to relieve anxiety as it’s located in the temples. Plus, this pressure point can also help cure insomnia. Locate this pressure point at the upper shell of your ear where the triangular area resides. Always use a firm pressure with the oil applied when handling this pressure point. Also, it helps to apply the oil in a circular motion.

The Union Valley

Commonly believed to reduce migraines and stress and aid sleep, this pressure point is located between your thumb and index finger. The way to apply adequate pressure to this area is to use your thumb and index finger from your other hand in an almost pinching motion. Apply the CBD oil in a circular motion and breathe deeply while applying even pressure.

The Shoulder Well Point

This pressure point is located in your shoulder, so you can easily harness its power by using your middle finger and thumb for a massage. Doing so can help you get rid of migraines, muscle tension, and even extra stress! It is possible to perform this massage on yourself, but if you have someone you can trust, make sure to reach out to them for additional help.

The Great Surge Point

Your feet are not only ideal for reflexology, but contain several beneficial pressure points. The Great Surge point is located on the upper portion of your foot where your big toe and second toe intersect. After locating this point, use CBD oil and massage it for five minutes into the desired area. Since the oil has anti-inflammatory effects, it is also ideal for reducing pain and swelling in the feet.

CBD oil offers numerous benefits for anxiety, insomnia, and overall, stress. Many people assume the CBD is the same as marijuana, but the two are completely different in their benefits and effects. Using our oils for a few minutes every day can help you relieve your body and mind of the daily stresses you unwittingly subject them to.

More importantly, you will already be well ahead of most other people by discovering the profound qualities found within CBD oils. In combination with relaxation techniques and the „me“ time you have carved out for yourself, choosing to apply CBD oil can make a world of difference in your life. Whether you experience pain or anxiety daily, you can finally do something natural to help yourself!