Charity – Indian wrestler coach Mohd Aadil feat. CHULO Underwear

Name: Mohd Aadil
Age: 21
Height:172 cm
Weight: 64 kg
Hometown: Tain Nuh, Haryana, India
Modeling Agency: None, freelance


1. How did you get into modeling?

I’m actually an aspiring Indian wrestler. I was  recruited by CHULO Underwear after they saw my videos on Instagram. They are the first brand I’ve worked for. I hope to get more contracts, though.

2. What are you doing if you are not modeling?

I go to wrestling school early in the morning, and then I take classes at the university. I’m hoping to become a successful wrestler with a college degree.

3. What is the most spontaneous/difficult/or strange thing you have ever done?

The children in my village don’t have many opportunities in life because our village is very poor.  I have built a Desi Akhara gym, or wrestling training facility,  for them. It was the most difficult thing in my life because I built it from scratch with the little money I had or I could earn. 30 children come to me to learn wrestling and I teach them wrestling for free. I started a YouTube channel with a subscription hoping people will donate so I can train and feed the children properly. We also need a lot of equipment. It’s very tough and expensive, but I really love teaching them wrestling.

Here’s a documentary CHULO did on my children’s wrestling team.

4. What’s your life motto?

And do good; indeed, Allāh loves the doers of good. (Quran 2:195)

5. Describe your personal style when it comes to fashion? Favorite clothing brands? Favorite fragrance?

I live in India. Famous brands are very expensive here, so I don’t waste my money on high fashion. I’m more focused on helping the village children. I do love my CHULO Underwear, though.

6. What genre of music best describes you?

I play trending music on my reels. I like Punjabi songs.

7. Where are your roots?  What is the best thing about or to do in your hometown?

I come from a small village in India. The best thing to do in my village is to help me help the children who come to wrestle.

8. Name one celebrity you’d like to get naughty with and why.

I do not focus on celebrities.

9. Do you have any special talents?

Check out my reels on Instagram and my YouTube channel to see the stuff I can do. You can also join my YouTube channel here:


10. What is the most interesting thing online at the moment?


11. What are your goals and dreams? Where do you are yourself in five years? 20 years?

I hope to be a successful wrestler. I hope to make my gym better for the village children.

Instagram: @chulounderwear