A Guide to Expressing Your Fashion Through More Than Just Your Clothing

Foto von Tyler Nix auf Unsplash

Personal style is not something you can ever learn or copy from your friends and family members.

Rather, it is a visual expression of who you are as a person, your personality, your likes and dislikes, as well as your strengths, all wrapped up in how you portray and display yourself to other people. However, it is not just your clothing which is indicative of your style and with this in mind, so here is a guide to expressing your fashion through more than just what you wear.

Your Favorite Colours

Often, even though a person is drawn to a bright yellow or baby blue, they tend to choose outerwear, and accessories and even are naturally drawn to toiletries and cleaning products of a demurer and faded shade and tone.

Start to follow your instincts when it comes to the things you buy from the shops, the accessories you choose, the air freshener in your car, and anything else you bring into your world when it comes to the colours.

As a guide, the following chart suggests the common emotional associations with base colours:

  • The colour red represents importance, priority and passion.
  • The colour green represents nature, the environment and stability.
  • The colour pink represents childhood, romance and safety.
  • The colour yellow represents friendliness and happiness and is attention-grabbing.
  • The colour blue represents trustworthiness and serenity.
  • The colour purple represents luxury and mystery.
  • The colour orange represents playfulness and energy.

Your Vehicle

Whether you drive a small and practical, not to mention environmentally friendly smart car, or else are the proud owner of a classic Mercedes Benz, your car can also be a way to express your sense of fashion and style.

Moreover, if you are a keen motorbike or electric scooter rider, you can either treat your machine to a brand new and eye-catching paint job or else next time you invest in a new scooter, you could visit bmgscooters.com, which has an impressive range of bikes designed by leading fashion icons.

Your Home

Finally, perhaps the second way which holds the most potential to be able to accurately express who you are as a person and your sense of style, aside from your clothing, is that of your interior design choices and home décor.

There are a truly endless number of ways to add your personality to your home and it is important to remember that you should not only be doing this to show off to your loved ones, but also to bolster your feelings of identity and even self-worth.

If you are somewhat of a free spirit, for example, and enjoy nothing more than walking barefoot in the grass and are not made for a traditional, 9-5 office job, then this bohemian way of being can translate beautifully into your home’s design. Alternatively, if you fully subscribe to the belief that a tidy house is a tidy mind, then minimalism is the way forward, so choose carefully the artwork and ornaments you choose to invest in.