7 Borax Cleaning Hacks That You Can Do From Now On, Effective and Affordable!


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Borax or sodium tetraborate is equally as effective to be used as a cleaning agent for your household. With these affordable chemical substances, you can clean almost anything in your house easily and effectively!

Keep on reading to know the ultimate functions of borax to keep every nook and cranny of your house spotlessly clean!

Cleaning the toilet

You can use borax for cleaning dirty toilets and turn them into spotless ones without much effort. You can just simply pour borax into the toilet. Then, wait for a moment before brushing it all and flushing it down. You don’t need to waste a lot of energy, time, and money, and voila your toilets will be spotless!

Wipes away naughty soap stains

Not only the toilet, but borax can also clean other parts of the bathroom effectively. For example, when you shower, it is so easy for the soap mixture to fall down to the floor, and end up causing soap stains around the bathroom area. In addition, bar or liquid soap can also leave dry soap marks. This kind of stain may be hard to clean, even after you rinse it with water.

No need to worry about how to remove this annoying stain, because you can use borax to clean soap stains in the bathroom easily! You just need to prepare a sponge that has been sprinkled with a little borax. Then, rub it into the soap marks that stick. Upon finishing, don’t forget to spray the floor area with water to rinse everything.

Get rid of insects

Borax can also help to get rid of insects, such as ants, cockroaches, fleas, and others. To ensure you can get rid of all of these annoying insects effectively, you need to create a powder mixture of borax and sugar. 

Sprinkle it around the nest or the main infested area, and let it sit for a day. The insects will be seduced by the sugar, and after they consume the mixture, in no time your house will be eradicated of all of it!

But keep in mind that you have to be extra careful when trying this method. Especially so if you are living with children or have a pet. Make sure that it is unreachable by them, otherwise, it can be really dangerous – and it can even result in accidents if swallowed.

Removing adhesive leftover

If you find a wall or other object that is difficult to clean due to adhesive, you can use borax to clean it up easily. Mix borax with water, in a 2:1 ratio, afterward, rub the liquid mixture into the area where the adhesive used to be. Borax can clean leftover adhesive easily and efficiently. Thus you don’t have to spend extra energy to do so!

Cleaning the kitchen

Kitchen cleanliness needs to be maintained on a daily basis. This is important because the kitchen is the ultimate place where you can cook delicious and healthy delicacies for the family. 

Because you may use it daily for cooking purposes, the kitchen can easily get dirty due to the oil stain that may splash during the cooking process. This definitely can make your kitchen look dirty and even disgusting! 

Cleaning the oil splashes that have been left for too long and have become crusty may not be as easy. But with a mixture of borax and lemon juice, all of it can be wiped away easily!

Overcoming clogged drains

Pour a cup of borax and 2 cups of boiling water down the drain, let it sit for 15 minutes, then run warm water to wash away the mess. Doing this when you have a clogged drain is the ultimate way you can do, to troubleshoot this problem.

Eliminate bad odor from carpets

When you start smelling unpleasant odors around your carpet area, you don’t have to immediately contact a professional carpet cleaner. Find borax, baking soda, and essential oils, on your house cabinet. These three things can be the ultimate ingredients that you can use easily, to eradicate the smelly scent from your carpet! 

Creating the DIY mixture is so easy. You just need to mix together a cup of borax, a cup of baking soda, and 20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Sprinkle the mixture on the carpet, let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes, then clean it up with a vacuum cleaner or brush it gently. 

Borax is a multi-use agent that can help to clean almost anything in your house. Thus make sure that you stock some borax as a part of your cleaning supply!