6 Secrets To An Attractive Smile

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You must’ve heard this quote by Frank Sinatra, “when you are smiling, the whole world smiles with you” – this statement holds so much truth in it. Between the stresses of everyday life, sometimes turning your frown into a smile becomes difficult. However, you need to remind yourself that a smile will transform your facial features and help you with your confidence. Research shows that smiling also positively affects people’s physical and mental health. It improves our mood, self-confidence, and attitude toward life. Many people are often curious about the secrets of an attractive smile, wondering how to make it appear more beautiful. Well, this article will help you with just that. Following are some ways to ensure that you get the perfect smile.

Visit an Orthodontist:

There are many ways to get the perfect smile, but visiting an orthodontist and getting their professional opinion is definitely one of the most effective. If you are unsure about the idea of braces, you can consider alternatives like clear aligners or Damon Clear braces. They will help you get a fuller, brighter smile by aligning your teeth in perfect symmetry. So, consider going to a local orthodontist and consulting them about your teeth; chances are you will find a good orthodontist near you without much difficulty, thanks to the growing number of professionals in the field. For instance, finding suitable Orthodontic Services in Fresno, CA, has become easier since the number of dentists rose from 56 per 100,000 residents in 2013 to 63 per 100,000 in 2020.

Brush and Floss Regularly:

This is a rudimentary step you can take to get perfect teeth, and it is also the one that we ignore the most. Despite learning this from early childhood, people usually get lazy and don’t brush their teeth twice a day, as recommended. Make a routine of brushing your teeth twice for two minutes every day. There is no way around it. You have to stick to this rule to get good results. You also need to floss daily after you are done brushing your teeth. Adopting this routine will prevent the build-up of plaque in your teeth, so you can get the pearly whites you have always desired.

Consume a healthy diet:

Food can have a huge impact on the health of our teeth. Some foods can have a good effect on our teeth, while others leave our teeth rotten and weak. Foods that contain high amounts of calcium and phosphorus will help strengthen your teeth and rebuild the damaged enamel. On the other hand, foods with high sugar content breed bacteria in our mouths. The sugar turns into acid that attacks our enamel.

We can conclude from this that eating natural foods like fruits, vegetables, dairy, and protein is beneficial for our teeth. In contrast, artificially prepared food products will harm our teeth, so we should eat them in moderation.

Avoid staining foods and beverages:

Foods and drinks like coffee, tea, red wine, curry, tomato sauce, etc., should be avoided. This is because these foods can cause staining and yellowing of teeth. There are many foods that can stain your teeth. You don’t necessarily have to stop consuming these foods altogether, but eating them in moderation is important.

If your teeth have already become stained, don’t worry because this can be reversed by using good quality teeth whitening products. Avoid using home remedies for this purpose because they use ingredients that can have an abrasive effect on your teeth. It will result in your teeth becoming prone to staining. Also, your teeth’s enamel will get damaged.

Drink Water:

Doctors repeatedly advise us to drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Have you wondered why? Yes, it helps with the hydration of our skin, and it can keep us refreshed, but there is more to it. Water helps in the regulation of all our bodily systems. Even our brains cannot survive without water. And our oral system is not so different; it heavily depends on water for maintenance. Water contains a mineral called fluoride, which is known to strengthen our teeth and protect them from cavities. It is also a natural mouthwash and, if consumed after every meal, will wash away food residue from our mouths. So, drink the recommended amount of water to keep your teeth clean, white, and healthy.

Get Your Teeth Cleaned Every 6 Months:

No matter how much you take care of your oral hygiene, your teeth can have some hidden problems that you might be unaware of. When you get your teeth cleaned professionally by a dentist, they can detect all the future problems in your teeth and gums, such as the formation of a cavity. They can take preventive measures, so you don’t have to go through all that hassle later on. Not only that, but getting your teeth cleaned is also necessary because it prevents the build-up of plaque and tartar in your teeth and gums. So, it is safe to say that this is amongst the most important secrets to preserving your perfect smile.

Use Dental Hygiene Products Properly:

There is no doubt that brushing and flossing are the basic but essential steps to getting perfect, healthy teeth. However, if you want a perfect smile, you may have to take some extra steps. The more work you do for your teeth, the more payoff there will be. You can incorporate supplemental aids like mouthwash, tongue cleaners, oral irrigators, etc. However, make sure that none of these things are harming your mouth. For example, some mouthwash has alcohol in it, which can lead to dryness of mouth tissue. So do your research or ask your orthodontist before purchasing any product.


A beautiful smile can brighten a person’s facial features, making them appear young, attractive, and confident. Although many people want to have a smile that can make them appear charismatic, only some people have the power to do so. But, achieving that goal is not as difficult as it seems. You just have to follow a series of steps to get there, starting with consulting your orthodontist about the health of your teeth. You have to take care of your teeth, like your skin and hair; only then can you see the good results of your efforts.