5 Tips for Veterans to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

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Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can significantly enhance one’s overall happiness and well-being. Engaging in wellness activities regularly is known to promote better health outcomes. For veterans, wellness is especially important to foster a positive and stable future in the post-military phase. Military service is no walk in the park; it’s tough, dangerous, and demanding. The impact of military service and the transition to civilian life can present significant challenges to veterans, necessitating the adoption of healthy habits and routines.

Transitioning from the terrors of military life to civilian can be hard, leading to a decline in health. To help veterans adjust to this life-altering experience, here are five tips to enhance their overall wellness and facilitate the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.

Know Your Rights as a Veteran

Veterans are essential to the armed forces and make invaluable contributions to the nation’s security. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) acknowledges their unparalleled service and provides various benefits to support their health and well-being. Nevertheless, many veterans are unaware of the benefits they are entitled to and how to avail of them.

Various factors can lead to poor health among veterans, including physical and psychological injuries sustained during military service. The VA offers extensive benefits, including healthcare, disability compensation, education and training, home loans, and life insurance. Veterans who served in the Navy, Marines, and water bodies contaminated with toxic substances like Camp Lejeune are particularly susceptible to severe health conditions due to asbestos exposure or other hazardous chemicals. So, if you were stationed at Camp Lejeune and exposed to contaminated water, you may be eligible for Camp Lejeune water contamination VA benefits and gain access to the facilities you are rightfully entitled to.

VA benefits claims have specific deadlines that must be met to ensure eligibility. For example, for disability compensation claims, the filing deadline is typically one year from the date of leaving active duty. There is no official time limit for healthcare benefit claims; however, veterans must apply promptly to avoid delays in receiving care.

Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is crucial for physical and mental rejuvenation in veterans, aiding in the repair and restoration of their bodies. It has been shown to enhance cardiovascular health, lower the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, and improve athletic performance. In addition, sleep regulates hormones, such as cortisol, which can impact weight and mood and promote healthy digestion. It also helps to maintain healthy levels of melatonin, a hormone that controls the sleep-wake cycle, making it easier to fall and stay asleep.

Insufficient sleep, however, can disrupt the hormones that control hunger and metabolism, such as leptin and ghrelin, resulting in overeating and weight gain. Ultimately, this can lead to decreased energy levels, reduced muscle strength and endurance, and slower reaction times, negatively impacting cognitive function, including memory and decision-making skills.

Fuel Your Body with the Right Foods

Eating right is arguably the most important thing to focus on when living a healthy lifestyle. You can make a significant difference in your physical health by choosing the right foods and eating them at the right times. In addition, for veterans with unique health needs due to their service, adopting healthy eating habits is essential to maintaining a high quality of life.

A well-balanced diet with adequate fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can prevent many health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. These ailments are prevalent among veterans due to environmental or other health hazards during service. By embracing a healthy diet, veterans can reduce their risk of developing these and other chronic illnesses.

When embarking on a journey towards better health, it is advisable to commence with meal planning. This strategy assists in evading nutrient-deficient calories while mitigating the burden of preparing new meals frequently. Furthermore, it is recommended to abstain from sugary drinks and alcoholic beverages while prioritizing water as the main beverage. This is because water plays a crucial role in supporting your physiological and cognitive functions, and consuming it as your primary beverage can have a salutary effect on your overall health.

Take Care of Your Mind

Taking care of your mental and emotional well-being is as important as your physical health. For example, if you are struggling with depression or trauma, it may be difficult to accomplish daily tasks. Similarly, meeting your obligations can become a challenge when you are stressed. Although facing challenges can help you grow, too much stress can compromise your health. Moreover, prolonged stress can pose a serious threat to your overall well-being; therefore, it is crucial to prioritize mental health and ensure its preservation.

Did you know that about 19% of female and 10% of male veterans have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? Military service and active combat duty can have profound and long-lasting effects on a veteran’s mental well-being. The traumatic experiences during deployment can lead to symptoms such as flashbacks, sleep disorders, and depression.

Rehabilitation therapy strives to address the disparity between psychological and social engagement, intending to facilitate veterans‘ transition to civilian life. It is a crucial tool in assisting veterans in reintegrating into society after completing their military service.

Get Your Finances in Order

Money troubles can take a toll on a person’s mental and emotional well-being, and veterans are no exception. Healthcare costs can be especially steep for veterans with complex medical needs, making it tough to stay financially stable. Luckily, organizations and programs are available to help veterans get their finances in order. These resources offer guidance and support to veterans in managing their money effectively and finding the best financial solutions. In addition, participating in financial literacy programs can significantly improve the quality of life for veterans and their families.


The transition from military to civilian life can be a challenging and disorienting experience, particularly for veterans exposed to traumatic events during their service. This shift can exacerbate physical and mental health issues, making it crucial for veterans to assert their rights and prioritize their overall well-being. In doing so, veterans can cultivate healthy lifestyle habits, such as maintaining regular sleep and eating patterns, while paying close attention to their mental health needs.