5 Tips for First-Time Parents on Welcoming Their Baby

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Becoming a parent is undeniably a momentous occasion. After nine months of nurturing your child, you finally get to hold them in your arms. But, as exciting as it may be to start your journey as a parent, it is equally challenging. Your baby is adjusting to you as you are to them. It means you will need to find your rhythm, figure out how you want to establish a routine, and learn to give yourself the space to get used to this new lifestyle. If you struggle to keep up with your baby, don’t fret.

The first few months may take a toll on you, but once you become comfortable in your role as a parent, you will enjoy looking after your baby. While it’s natural to feel overwhelmed, learn to take one day at a time and gradually work on raising your child. To make parenting easy on you, here’s what you need to know:

Prepare for Your Child’s Arrival

Before you welcome your child home, you must prepare for their birth. Since this is a delicate process; without the right help, it can become challenging to deliver your baby. Hence, educating yourself is the best way to ensure your child’s safe arrival. Learn what happens during labor and how to prevent childbirth injuries. You also need to understand the significance of having a reliable medical staff by your side as they assist you in giving birth.

By giving yourself the space to learn more about childbirth, comprehending how medical negligence can put your child at risk will help you hold the responsible team accountable. So, as your due date gets closer, you will be better prepared for labor, ensure the right midwife is next to you to add to your comfort and mitigate any potential suffering.

Take Care of Your Health

Once you have your child, you may feel tempted to put your health in the backseat and focus all your energy on your baby. But, neglecting yourself and prioritizing your child will add to your stress and make you resentful of them. As a mother, you may also be dealing with postpartum hormones and the aftermath of giving birth as your body bounces to its former self. So, you must watch your health and care for your baby side by side. Now more than ever, both parents need to act like partners and support each other through this journey.

As a mother, you need to eat well and indulge in meals that are rich in vitamins, easy to digest and give you sufficient nutrition to get through the day. If you are busy handling the baby, your partner needs to take care of the chores and take over when it’s your turn to finish up.

You also need to get sufficient sleep at night, so you must schedule with your partner what nights you will stay up with the baby and when your partner will manage. If you try shouldering every responsibility often at the expense of your well-being, you will mentally, physically, and emotionally stress yourself out. Once you hit burnout, it may be hard for you to keep up with your baby.

Get The House in Order

Your house will need to go through several changes to accommodate your baby. Certain parents prefer having a separate nursery for their child, while others share their room with the baby. However, deciding where your baby will sleep is entirely up to you. If you have pets, train them not to go in the baby’s room and teach them not to get excited at the sight of the baby. Animals like dogs and cats are naturally curious, and in an attempt to get closer to your baby, they can accidentally hurt them.

Furthermore, ensure you wash every piece of clothing, sterilize the pacifier, and disinfect every toy before introducing them to your baby. Even if these items are fresh out of the packet, understand they may still have bacteria that can make your child sick. The same goes for your hygiene; you must wash and sanitize anytime near your child. Most importantly, purchase all baby cleaning products and diapers approved by your doctors.

Handle Your Baby Cautiously

Babies are fragile; their health and body are highly vulnerable, so you must be extra careful while holding them. You must support your baby’s head and neck as you cradle them. That is because their neck muscles are not strong enough yet to lift their head, and the lack of support can cause injury. When you put them in the baby carrier, ensure the belt is fastened securely and is not too tight on their body. You also need to confirm that there is no loop accidentally tangled around their neck.

Likewise, as excited as your friends and family may be to celebrate your baby, try to limit their visitation to one guest at a time. Your baby’s immune system is still weak, and the antibodies they get from milk are not enough to protect them from various pathogens. All your guests need to be vaccinated, and, in recent times, they need to be tested and vaccinated against COVID-19 before they can see your baby.

It would be best to advise them not to kiss your baby since saliva contains bacteria. While rocking your baby, be gentle; you cannot swing them aggressively or bounce them, which may ultimately shake them and cause permanent brain damage.

Relish The Bonding Experience

Taking care of your baby doesn’t have to be a nerve-wracking process. Enjoy holding their tiny body in your arms, feeling their warmth and their chest’s gentle rise and fall as they breathe. No emotion comes close to that of parenthood. You may feel insurmountable love and protectiveness over your little one.

Physical contact is also essential for your baby. Doctors recommend that your child have skin-to-skin contact with you, which regulates their heart rate and makes them feel calm. While feeding or rocking your baby, don’t hold back from singing them a lullaby or humming gently. The stimulation benefits them, and most infants find soft noises soothing.

Also, try massaging them with oils or lotion since it’s perfect for circulation and may help strengthen your bond with them. Developing an emotional bond with your child takes time. Hence, cradling, swaddling, and holding them close to you, is an excellent place to start.

Final Thoughts

Beginning a new chapter in your life is always exciting. But nothing comes close to welcoming your child for the first time. As a new parent, you may be enthusiastic about embarking on this phase of your life. However, a baby is a full-time responsibility. You have to modify your lifestyle to adapt to this change. Therefore, educating and preparing yourself before your child comes is best.

For this reason, learn about the ups and downs of labor and what could happen if you end up with a reckless medical staff to deliver your child. Make sure, as a new parent, you don’t neglect your well-being and ignore your needs for your baby. Similarly, your house will need to undergo several changes for your baby’s safety. Likewise, you can’t compromise on hygiene or risk exposing your child to bacteria, especially when their immunity is at its weakest.

Remember that babies are delicate and, like you would handle porcelain glass, you must show the same care and kindness as you look after your baby. Lastly, while parenting can be tricky, it is equally rewarding, especially when you get the pleasure of watching your child grow before your eyes.