John Brazell – „Peaches“

„My lyrics I’m learning more about being human and treating others the way I want to be treated, hit me more than ever within our current fragile moment in history. My new song, „Peaches,“ celebrates the golden rule and the moments in which life is pretty great, whether that be enjoying a tasty dessert or catching a sunset on the ocean.

Grammy Award winning engineer Craig Bauer mixed the song which I produced. It has a half-pop-half-acoustic vibe and represents my sonic leanings and also my personality very well.

I was going for a light hearted and unabashed spirit of joy with „Peaches.“ It is important to recognize that there is a very heavy and negative landscape in the world we live in, so my challenge became about developing the song’s music to support its positive mood.

Hopefully when you tune into this song, it can help lift your spirits. Thank you for lending „Peaches“ your ears.“

John Brazell