Hardt Antoine – new EP ‘I Will’ + Exclusive Interview

1 Thank you very much for your time! Before we introduce your new release to our readers – what kind of drink would you recommend to sip on while they listen to your new music?

A good, rested tequila “reposado” with ice and a slice of orange. Strong yet smooth, energetic, classy, maybe a little pretentious haha – I think it suits my music pretty well and it’s my favourite thing to drink when I’m out!

2. Please give us an update about – new single, new album, tour dates, new videos?

My latest EP has just landed on Komapkt Records. Two dancefloor tracks “I Will” and “La Mosca” showing a more uplifting side to my usual style.

3. We live in times of many conspiracy theories. Which, harmless, theory would you wish were true? (For example Dinos living inside Earth or E.T. living in a home in California)

I LOVE the theory that The Moon Landing was fake and the footage was created by Stanley Kurbirck – I’m a bit of a film geek and massive Kubrick fan. I think it’s nonsense but IF it wasn’t, the 1969 Moon Landing was in his filmography and Neil Armstrong’s famous line’s were from his script… that would be epic!

4. What fashion style or brand would best describe your music?

“11 by Boris Bidjan” springs to mind – so does “Y3”. They combine Avant-Garde high fashion with street wear and athleisure. I’m always trying to combine intellectual sound design with rhythmic, body-moving elements for the dancefloor and can see a parallel.

5. Tell us more about your songs? (Topics, messaging etc)

I’m not overthinking topics and messages when I write music. I’m usually trying to capture a mood or emotional headspace I’m in. I also don’t actively think about the dancefloor in the studio but I’ve been DJing a long time so the dancefloor is always somewhere in the subconscious.

6. Beside music, do you have any special talents?

Not really!! I’ve always felt confident as a DJ and, after years and years of perseverance, in my production skill set. I’ve never been that great at anything else and I think that’s something that keeps me going.

I have some random music related ones though. Like I can tell you any song in my pretty extensive digital or physical record collection within hearing a few milliseconds.

7. Name 5 things we all should know about you as an artist?

  1. I make electronic music, using mostly analogue hardware and release it mainly on Kompakt, Innervisionsand my own imprints
  2. I have a broad tase in music and play very eclectic sets ranging from deep, trippy grooves; to big room melodies; anthemic House & Disco and everything in-between.
  3. I founded and run the UK label and event series Reculture – and focus on pushing fresh talent around me.
  4. I co-run the Greece based label Anemos Dance, with Maglia, Illias Petrakis and DJ Gregory.
  5. I’m of French and Jamaican decent but I’m from London and have basically always lived here! Both my artist and real name always raise questions and confusion next to my accent – I secretly love it!

8. How did you learn to sing/ to write/ to play?

My real entry to music was through DJing in my teenage years, first in the bedroom – collecting records, learning to mix vinyls and later in parties, bars and eventually clubs. Immersed in the culture I dug deep into electronic music and production soon after. I’m very specific on what I like and set my quality standard high so it took some time before I was really ready to put myself out as an artist.

I took several masterclasses, spent time on YouTube, learned the basics of a few instruments and piece by piece built my hardware setup. My first synth was a second-hand Nord Lead which has made it into most of the tracks I’ve released this last year!

Instagram: @hartantoine