Laura Biagiotti: AQVE ROMANE

Laura Biagiotti expands her olfactory range with the Aqve Romane collection. The three sophisticated, elegant and radiant scents, each created by a different master perfumer (Paolo Cerizza, Suzy Le Helley and Guillaumme Flavigny), all have a common denominator: Rome. The city where Laura and Lavinia Biagiotti have always lived and worked, where they have created and produced collections and projects and where they have supported important sponsorship projects.

Lavinia Biagiotti said: „The Aqve Romane collection highlights the icons of the Eternal City: the artistic opulence, the great cinematic beauty and the lifestyle. It captures the essence of Rome: the lightness of the stones that dissolve through alchemical magic in the water of the fountains „It is an invitation to express a new creative lightness without losing one’s own strength“.

The scents in Capitol perfumes have close connections to origin and inspiration. They come from different areas and tell stories. There is the sweet ambrosia honey, which was considered divine nectar in ancient Rome. Then the fig, the tree under which legend says Romulus and Remus grew up. And of course the smell of sweet grapes. There is also the laurel, an aromatic plant associated with various symbolic meanings, including power – just think of the wreath that all emperors wore – and the rose of Aventine Hill, known for its famous rose garden , one of the most enchanting places in the city.

Ambrosia Aurea is a fragrance created by Italian perfumer Paolo Cerizza. He radiates tenderness and conviction. The fragrance begins with sensual notes of narcissus that combine with golden nuances of vanilla-orange. Then it surrounds itself with the pleasant softness of Roman chamomile and Nespola leaves. In its radiant, floral heart, tiger lily, lime blossom and unexpected accents of carrot seeds combine to create a unique harmony. Finally, the warmth of acacia chestnut wood, the sweetness of ambrosia honey and the depth of imperial musk and tonka bean reinforce the composition.

Interesting: In ancient Rome, honey was considered the nectar of the gods, because according to legend, as a child Jupiter was fed the honey of the Panacride, a bee that received this name because it lived in the Panacri Mountains.

The Divinum Ficus fragrance bouquet, designed by French perfumer Suzy De Helley, is a captivating blend. It begins with the lively and refreshing essence of fig, which then transforms into the feeling of a gentle breeze on the skin. Notes of bergamot oil combine with the strong character of green pepper and the herbaceous nuances of basil and mint. Bay leaf adds a rich and spicy note, while vegetal accents of artichoke and caper berries enrich the composition. The warmth of musk and sandalwood completes the scent.

Interesting: According to the legend of Rome’s founding, Romulus and Remus were left in a basket under a fig tree. There, under the fragrant leaves, the twins were suckled by a she-wolf. This led the ancient Romans to view the fig tree as a symbol of good luck.

Uva Dulcis, the fragrance created by Guillaumme Flavigny, is inspired by the cheerful mood of the Roman summer. At this time, the city is filled with warm, fragrant air while the clear sky frames the monuments and casts a majestic light on all the architectural wonders. An intense nectar in a glass of red wine, known as the Bacchus accord, combines beautifully with juicy red plum and cheerful pomegranate. The modern and enchanting essence of the Aventine rose, the fascinating red pepper, as well as subtle notes of patchouli and cedar wood, together with a dreamy accord of laurel and oak, unfold the sensual complexity of this fragrance.

Interesting: In ancient Rome, everyone liked to drink wine, regardless of whether they were a slave or an aristocrat. Pliny the Elder coined the well-known saying „In Vino Veritas“, which means something like: When someone has drunk a few glasses of wine, they often show their most honest side – even hidden truths come to light.