Peter Drucker – „Concrete“

„I think it’s becoming a pretty universal truth that everyone seems to be living a better life, especially by the purely objective metrics of what one sees online.

They definitely don’t have nearly as many bad days and hours of boredom, right? Everything they do must be action packed, exciting and self-actualizing?

My latest song, „Concrete,“ is about a „friend“ of mine who seems to have moved on to greener pastures and left me behind to drudge through my dreary existence without them.

There is some beauty in our darker sides. The songs I write are to tell stories that I need to say, things that fester inside if held for too long. La poésie est dans la rue.

Concrete“ is the start of something bigger. I’ve got several songs coming down the pipeline in the near future that should paint a clear picture of my mission statement.

Thank you for your time,“

Peter Drucker