Name: John Skowronski
Age: 23
Height: 5′ 11″
Hometown: Jackson, New Jersey
Agency: Taylor Kelsaw Management
Instagram: Jskowronski_
1. How did you get into modeling?
I got into modeling by chance. I was posting on instagram and Twisted Male Magezine saw my post and referred me to Taylor Kelsaw, who is now my mother agent.
2. What are you doing if you are not modeling?
I am a trained EMT and I love to be apart of the community, helping people. On my free time I enjoy working out and consider myself a fitness enthusiast.
3. The most spontaneous/difficult/strange thing you’ve ever done?
I’m a very trusting person, and because of that, it has led me to move out of the country, which has taught me that I should not do anything spontaneously or based on emotion. I believe that I’m a stronger person, I have matured, and I’m hungry to work in the modeling industry.
4. What’s your life motto?
F-O-C-U-S : Finally outline certain ultimate success.
5. Describe your personal style – Favorite Brands/Fragrance?!
My everyday attatire includes American Eagle, Hollister, and Calvin Klein. When I get the chance to, I’d love to model for kalvin Klein, Armani, Loui vitton, and any new designer that would love to bring me on. Fragrance-wise, I’m attracted to smokey scents.
6. What genre of music best describes you?
I have incletic taste in music. I like discovering new music, new artists, and seeking out creativity.
7. Where are your roots – The best thing about/to do in your hometown?
I’m originally from Jackson, New Jersey. I’m the youngest of four, with two sisters and a brother. I have always loved going to the beach, and the Jersey shore.
8. Name one celebrity you’d like to get naughty with!
My dream crush is actor Alessandro bedetti, from „Those About to Die“.
9. Do you have any special Talents?
I am a trained medical professional.
10. What is the most interesting thing online at the moment?
You can find me on these social media platforms:
Instagram / X: Jskowronski_
and Snapchat, (where I post the most): Jskow7018
Photo Credits:
Instagram: @Johnkalect & @Newlandarcherphotography