Modus Vivendi – Ricardo Paul – Top Model Interview

In ancient Greece people believed that you have to care for the 3 most important self the Body, the Mind and the Soul. What are your daily habits to support and evolve yourself?

First thing I do in the morning is be grateful, I try to have 4/5 meal per day plus 2 liters of water minimum out of my workout time. And always try to do my best at work and personal life.

Do you believe people can change? Change their habits, physical appearance … what it takes?

Yes, of course everyone can change all aspects of their life, it just take commitment and really have the will to achieve the goal you set yourself to do.

What’s your favorite person of all times? Why he/she inspires you?

My mum. She is my hero, she did so much for me and still does without expecting anything in return just love.

Any causes you support? How people can help others?

Justice, I think we should always be legite with everyone and treat people as we want to be treated.

Have you changed your daily habits to support the environment?

Yes, lately I started to recycle at home.

Are you currently in a relationship? What do you value in a person?

I’m actually single. Honesty and sense of humor if you make me laugh and you respect me you have me.

Favorite movies, books or music?

Inception, The Secret, Pop.

What do you do to stay connected with others?

I message most of time. But also call and video call to my close ones. It depends on the free time we both have.

How covid19 did change you? daily life, life perspective, priorities …

It made me value my family more, to value the time I spend with them and also my friends and people I love. It made us more humane. And one thing I don’t like but is that is made us less affectionate (less kiss hugs and cuddles) but it’s necessary for now.

Model: Ricardo Paul @tpaul_12