Milton Díaz + Rafa Gramaje shot by Gohar feat. Makeup Artist Verónica Mollá

This photo session was created by the hand of the Spanish model Milton Díaz, the great professional Verónica Mollá being the designer of this wonderful and striking artistic makeup, the great Gohar who was the one who photographed and lent his studio to photograph this Work, and the model Rafa Gramaje, who also gave it an incredible touch, looking like the opposite side of Modelo Milton Díaz. It is a pride to share with this famous and beautiful magazine this work carried out practically next to the world! The message to the world from this incredible session is to make it clear that as long as you don’t stop dreaming, you will never stop shining and that the more you dream, the more you shine.

Instagram accounts of the participants of the photo session: @Miltondiazmodel @rafagramajerodriguez @Miwinmakeup @gohar_official