Is CBD Gum The Best Method To Absorb CBD In Your Body? by Jessica K

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If you’re an enthusiast of alternative medicine, you must have come across the word CBD.

CBD is short for cannabidiol and refers to a chemical compound that occurs naturally in cannabis. Cannabidiol contains plenty of health benefits, including the ability to relieve pain and anxiety.
Besides its numerous health benefits, it’s also worth noting that pure CBD won’t get you high. So, you can benefit from the compound’s powerful healing properties without worrying about getting intoxicated in the process.

What’s more, there are also numerous ways to consume cannabidiol. As you shall find, each delivery method has its perks and drawbacks.
This article shall narrow down our focus to CBD gums and determine whether it’s the best method to absorb CBD into your body.

Understanding the Absorption of CBD Gums In Relation To Onset Time
To understand whether consuming CBD gums is the best way to absorb cannabidiol into your system, it’s imperative to know what these products’ onset time is. Now, cannabidiol onset time simply refers to the duration it takes for the effects of CBD to kick in.

CBD’s onset time generally depends on the delivery method. It’s worth noting that CBD gums are classified under the broad category of edibles, and CBD edibles typically take between 30 and 60 minutes to kick in.
But the onset time of CBD gums isn’t a cut-and-dried affair. Instead, it depends on a variety of factors, such as the active ingredients in the product.

For instance, the effects of full spectrum CBD oil may be felt sooner than those of CBD isolates and broad-spectrum CBD gums.

In case you’re wondering what these terms imply, full-spectrum CBD refers to products formulated with cannabidiol and many other medically beneficial cannabis compounds, including the euphoria-inducing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC’s psychoactive and intoxicating properties are the reason full-spectrum products take effect much faster. The higher the THC dose in such products, the sooner their effects will kick in.

It’s also worth pointing out that contrary to popular belief, THC doesn’t just cause intoxication. The compound also contains numerous therapeutic properties. Many marijuana doctors recommend consuming compounds that contain significant levels of both CBD and THC. When used together, these compounds deliver compounded medical benefits via a mechanism called the entourage effect.

On the other hand, CBD isolates are products that contain cannabidiol as the only active marijuana compound. Isolate products are perfect for users who’re only interested in CBD’s health benefits. However, note that since isolates are high in CBD, they could also leave your mouth with a bitter aftertaste. That’s especially true for hemp-derived CBD gums. To counter this unpleasant taste, consider purchasing flavored CBD gums.

Lastly, broad-spectrum CBD are products that contain cannabidiol and several other marijuana extracts except for THC. Broad-spectrum compounds are recommended for those who want to benefit from cannabidiol’s medicinal properties without getting high.

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Another crucial factor determining CBD’s onset time is the region of the body where the gum is broken down.
Most CBD gums are intended for sublingual administration. In other words, you ingest the gum but don’t swallow it. Instead, the product gets absorbed through the mucous membrane.

Sublingual absorption tends to deliver faster effects than absorption through the digestive system. That’s because the gums are absorbed directly into your bloodstream. In chewable gums, the products would need to pass through the digestive tract and the liver before they can get absorbed into the bloodstream.

Other factors that can affect onset time include your age, body weight, sex, metabolism, and CBD tolerance.

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A Faster Onset Time Equals Higher Absorption Rate
We’ve already pointed out that CBD gums fall under the broad category of CBD edibles. Since they’re intended for ingesting, it’s natural to imagine that all edibles must go through the digestive tract before they can get absorbed into the bloodstream.

However, that’s not entirely true.

In the case of CBD gums, we have tablets that can be absorbed faster through the mucous membrane and chewable gums whose absorption starts from the stomach.

If you’re looking for the fastest way to consume CBD gums, insist on those that are administered sublingually. Also, note that a more rapid onset time typically translates to a higher absorption rate. This means that more cannabidiol gets into your bloodstream if you administer CBD gums sublingually instead of chewing them.

But note that there’s a tradeoff.

Generally, CBD products that come with a faster onset time also tend to produce short-lasting benefits. That makes them less effective for managing chronic diseases like anxiety disorders, chronic pain, or insomnia.

If you’re looking for long-lasting benefits, insist on chewable gums. As the cannabidiol from chewable gums passes through your digestive tract, not all of it is absorbed at once. Instead, some remain in your stomach, intestines, or liver and gradually release the bloodstream

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Whether CBD gum is the best way to absorb cannabidiol into your system depends on consuming the products. The absorption rate tends to be faster when you consume CBD gums sublingually instead of when you chew them.

Another thing to note is that there’s no way to judge the effects of CBD unless the compound manages to treat the disease you’re using it for. That’s because pure CBD is non-psychoactive. To judge CBD’s effects, consider consuming full-spectrum products. Otherwise, wait until 24 hours before your next dose. By following the advice written in this article, you are sure to have a fun time trying something new.