How to Keep Your Smoking Tools in Tiptop Shape

If you spend enough time in marijuana culture, you’ll come to realize it’s like any other hobby: the gear you use becomes a topic of thought, conversation, and debate. Like photography, bicycling, or knitting, accessories used to partake in passions are of great interest to hobbyists.

One topic that might not come up a lot, though, is the importance of keeping marijuana gear in tiptop shape.

What Sort Of Gear Do People Have?

Marijuana is a versatile plant that you can consume in several ways. Each method of consumption comes with its list of accessories. The most well-known intake method is rolling a joint to smoke it. Vaping is a new method of consuming marijuana; it involves using a device that heats rather than burns the marijuana to produce vapor rather than smoke.

Dabbing is similar to vaping, but it uses tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) resins. When dabbing, the marijuana can be in the form of an oil (hash oil or honey oil), a soft solid form (wax or budder), or a hard solid (shatter). The process involves using a blowtorch to heat a glass pipe; when the resin extract is put into the pipe, it turns into a vapor.

Some medical marijuana users get high using a spray. The user sprays a cannabis concentrate under the tongue, avoiding the less desirable effects of smoking.

Marijuana is also popularly known for its edibles. You can find it in recipes such as gummy bears and brownies. To use it in cooking or baking, you can purchase cannabis oil or tincture to add to a tea or topical recipe.

The variations of marijuana consumption are numerous, and most users incorporate a combination of methods. The intake choice can depend on mood, environment, or purpose. All the different forms of cannabis are legally available from any marijuana dispensary in Canada.

Why Keeping Things Clean Is Important

Marijuana, in whatever form, enters your body. So if your gear is not stored well, prepared adequately, or clean, then you are putting your health at risk.


  • Hygiene —


If you were a messy person pre-COVID, last year’s events have opened your eyes to the importance of good hygiene and cleanliness. People are more aware of contact and transmission of germs. Even before the pandemic, sharing a bong puts you at risk of catching the common cold, cold sores, or even something as terrible as herpes.

People often smoke in groups, and cleaning a pipe or any gear should be a no-brainer. Pay particular attention to the mouthpieces.


  • Cancer Risks —


Bongs are better for your lungs, thanks to water filtration. As the smoke plumes into the water, it is cooled, and particles get trapped. The resulting vapor that enters your lungs has fewer toxins, ash, and carcinogens. If you don’t clean out the water and the pipe, the particles and toxins start to gather, leading to possible ingestion.


  • Better Flavor —


You generally spend time and good money on selecting and buying marijuana for its flavor. Smoking or vaping from dirty equipment can detract from the taste or add unpleasant tastes to the experience. Cleaning out your pipe will also eliminate ash and ensure you enjoy the natural flavor of marijuana.


  • Smoother Use —


Water is an essential component of purifying marijuana. If the water isn’t cleaned out of a water-filtrating smoking device, the pipe won’t filter effectively, and you end up with an unpleasant tasting hit. Overall, smoking or vaping from a dirty piece diminishes enjoyment and leads to poor performance.

How To Clean Your Piece

Generally, to clean a glass pipe, you need a scrubbing agent and a solvent. Scrubbing agents can be baking soda, regular salt, or Kosher salt. The solvent can be alcohol, acetone, vinegar, or pipe cleaner.

For example, if you are using alcohol and salt:

  1. Start by blocking any other holes except for the mouthpiece; you can use electric tape or your fingers.
  2. Then pour the salt into the mouthpiece without filling it up.
  3. Add alcohol while leaving some room for the solution to move around.
  4. Seal the mouthpiece and shake the pipe for at least three minutes, depending on its cleanliness.
  5. Unblock the holes and rinse the pipe out with water.

You can also use a pipe cleaner to clean your glass pipe. You start by placing the pipe in a Ziploc bag, then fill it with the pipe cleaner. You shake the bag and watch the pipe cleaner change color. Once you are finished, rinse the pipe in warm water and use a paper towel to dry it.

Metal pipes are cleaned similarly. Place the metal pipe and its parts in a Ziploc bag, submerge it in rubbing alcohol and shake. You can let them soak for hours or overnight. After taking the parts out, you can use a cotton bud to clean any residue left behind.

Wooden pipes are not soaked. They use pipe cleaners (a tool, not a solution) and scrapers to clean the pipe’s inside using rubbing alcohol. Once the insides are clean, you can use cooking or olive oil to rub on the outside and give it a shiny look.

Have a Clean Smoke

If you enjoy marijuana in its many forms, you need to know how to clean your gear. Cleaning your gear helps it last, look good, and perform well. Clean gear is also vital for your health, whether or not you share it. Don’t forget, if you want the purest hit, void of foreign odors and flavors, then take the time to clean your gear.