Denise Valle – new EP „EDGE“

„I’m stronger than that

I’ll never look back

I have been on a beautiful, personal journey and these lyrics take on a different meaning each day. 

There are moments where I do not feel strong and I sing that line as hopeful prayer. There are days where that line can be sung from a place of full confidence and focus. 

The trials before me shrink as I chant out my anthem. But I know I am resilient and this song reminds of that. 

On my new EP, EDGE, I chose to pair uplifting melodies and beats that infuse courage on each track . The title of this EP is an acronym for Every Day Give Everything. Listen to the title track here.

EDGE came out of a desire to be more vulnerable with my songwriting. When I met my producer and co-writer two years ago, I wanted to shed light on a day in the life of living with depression and anxiety. 

My dark moments have made me face the weakest part of who I am and draw me closer to my humanity. Through this I have experienced times of great breakthrough which have allowed me to feel a return to self.

Giving it your all will look different than the person next to you and this is completely okay. 

May we not be quick to compare, but be inspired by what each person can bring to the table.

I appreciate you listening,“

Denise Valle

Artist Credit : Brandynn L. Pope