5 Great Tips for Speeding Up Muscle Recovery by Samantha Higgins


Intense workouts are the best way to tone and chisel the muscles in your body. Everyone who exercises this intently knows the muscle pain that can occur after these workouts. Getting enough rest in-between working out muscle groups is critical in reducing this pain and recovering enough to avoid injuries. Some tricks can speed up your muscle recovery and get you back to the gym faster.

Get Enough Sleep

Not getting enough rest has been proven to affect athletic performance and muscle recovery. Experts recommend getting between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for good overall health. This is especially important for those looking to change their body composition. Sleep is divided into two main parts: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and non-REM sleep. Both are essential for good health and recovery; however, during non-REM sleep, the brain has very little activity. This allows more blood to be used by the muscles, supplying extra nutrients and oxygen that facilitate healing. The pituitary gland also secretes growth hormones during this stage of sleep that can help you increase your muscle mass.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

When you work out, the fibers in the muscles are broken down through a process called muscle protein breakdown. As the body repairs them, it builds them stronger and larger using protein synthesis. In protein synthesis, the body takes consumed protein and uses it to rebuild and repair the muscles. A critical part of protein synthesis is hydration. Dehydration doesn’t facilitate protein synthesis and can cause muscles to break down further. Sip water throughout your workout and drink a lot of water afterward. Experts recommend that those who are focused on strength building drink at least half their body weight in ounces of water each day.

Plan Your Rest Days

Most experts recommend waiting at least 48 hours between intense workouts to allow enough time for your muscles to heal and for protein synthesis to occur. This doesn’t mean you have to wait two full days between each workout. It simply means that you must plan rest days in-between muscle groups. For example, you could work out your legs on day one, upper body on day two, and your core on day three before switching back to your legs. Taking one day off completely and resting each week is also recommended. One way many athletes relax on their rest days is with a joint. Pre-rolled joints delivery in San Diego, for instance, makes it simple to rest and rejuvenate on your days off without having to leave your home. As a bonus, some new studies suggest that the occasional joint can help muscle recovery by acting as an anti-inflammatory.

Use a Foam Roller

Cooling down and stretching after a workout helps prevent blood from pooling up in the muscles and brings oxygenated blood and nutrients back to the muscles. Using a foam roller during your cool down and stretching session may be especially beneficial. Foam rolling increases circulation, releases tension points in the body, and returns stiff, sore muscles to their natural position. It can also help the body get rid of broken-down muscle fibers faster, which can help expedite the protein synthesis process.

Get Enough Protein

As previously mentioned, your body uses protein synthesis to repair the damage done to your muscles during a tough workout. Without consuming enough protein, your body can’t repair and rebuild your muscles properly. The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that those striving to build muscle consume between 1.2 and 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. This equates to 90 grams to 112 grams of protein per day for a person weighing 75 kilograms (165 pounds). Eating the right type of protein is just as important as consuming enough protein. Experts recommend milk, whey protein, Greek yogurt, and lean meats as the healthiest proteins for the body. Combine protein consumption with healthy carbohydrates to help restore blood sugar levels after exercising for the best results.
Don’t risk overworking a muscle and getting an injury that will sideline you from your fitness goals. Take some time to recover, get enough sleep, drink a healthy amount of water, and relax. By doing so you will recover faster and experience better muscle gains.